☉ 11331051:基层医院支气管哮喘防治现状与体会
☉ 11331052:锌钙制剂在治疗小儿支气管哮喘中的作用(附65例报告)
☉ 11331053:依诺舒佐治毛细支气管炎的疗效观察
☉ 11331054:细辛脑雾化吸入佐治小儿支原体肺炎80例疗效观察
☉ 11331055:小儿防哮合剂与麻疹疫苗联合治疗小儿哮喘临床观察
☉ 11331056:A peripheral circulating compartment of natural naive CD4+ Tregs
☉ 11331057:Hypertension from targeted ablation of chromogranin A can be rescued by the human ortholog
☉ 11331058:热毒宁注射液改善呼吸道感染患儿临床症状疗效观察
☉ 11331059:Dynamic changes in fat oxidation in human primary myocytes mirror metabolic characteristics of the donor
☉ 11331060:Oral tolerance in the absence of naturally occurring Tregs
☉ 11331061:喜炎平注射液治疗儿童上呼吸道感染临床疗效观察
☉ 11331062:Liver X receptors and regulate renin expression in vivo
☉ 11331063:Targeting the local tumor microenvironment with vaccinia virus expressing B7.1 for the treatment of melanoma
☉ 11331064:Renal allograft rejection is prevented by adoptive transfer of anergic T cells in nonhuman primates
☉ 11331065:纳洛酮与氨茶碱联合治疗早产儿呼吸暂停疗效观察
☉ 11331066:Functional, structural, and metabolic abnormalities of the hippocampal formation in Williams syndrome
☉ 11331067:Developmental control of CD8+ T cell–avidity maturation in autoimmune diabetes
☉ 11331068:前列腺素E1辅助治疗小儿喘息性呼吸道疾病
☉ 11331069:T cell hyperactivity in lupus as a consequence of hyperstimulatory antigen-presenting cells
☉ 11331070:Fertility in luteinizing hormone receptor-knockout mice after wild-type ovary transplantation demonstrates redundancy of extragonadal lutein
☉ 11331071:美林和赖氨匹林比较用于治疗儿童发热的疗效和安全性的观察
☉ 11331072:Transplantation of spermatogonial stem cells isolated from leukemic mice restores fertility without inducing leukemia
☉ 11331073:NF-B–inducing kinase controls lymphocyte and osteoclast activities in inflammatory arthritis
☉ 11331074:In vivo expansion of CD4+CD45RO–CD25+ T cells expressing foxP3 in IL-2-treated HIV-infected patients
☉ 11331075:Inhibition of adenine nucleotide translocator pore function and protection against apoptosis in vivo by an HIV protease inhibitor
☉ 11331076:核酪口服液联合黄芪辅治小儿支气管哮喘72例
☉ 11331077:NO mediates mural cell recruitment and vessel morphogenesis in murine melanomas and tissue-engineered blood vessels
☉ 11331078:HIF-1 expression regulates the bactericidal capacity of phagocytes
☉ 11331079:口服苯巴比妥加尼可刹米治疗新生儿高胆红素血症疗效观察
☉ 11331080:Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells induce changes in gene expression of CD4 and CD8 T cells
☉ 11331081:The cytoskeletal protein ezrin regulates EC proliferation and angiogenesis via TNF-–induced transcriptional repression of cyclin A
☉ 11331082:Claudin-1 regulates cellular transformation and metastatic behavior in colon cancer
☉ 11331083:穿琥宁注射液静脉滴注与雾化吸入治疗小儿病毒性肺炎疗效分析
☉ 11331084:Intrarenal cells, not bone marrow–derived cells, are the major source for regeneration in postischemic kidney
☉ 11331085:Restoration of tubular epithelial cells during repair of the postischemic kidney occurs independently of bone marrow-derived stem cells
☉ 11331086:地西泮与阿司匹林赖氨酸盐联合治疗小儿热性惊厥
☉ 11331087:Indian hedgehog stimulates periarticular chondrocyte differentiation to regulate growth plate length independently of PTHrP
☉ 11331088:FGF-2 controls the differentiation of resident cardiac precursors into functional cardiomyocytes
☉ 11331089:Distinct mechanisms of TGF-1–mediated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis during skin carcinogenesis
☉ 11331090:不同剂量的吸入激素联用长效β2受体激动剂治疗小儿哮喘
☉ 11331091:Harlequin ichthyosis unmasked: a defect of lipid transport
☉ 11331092:Bone marrow plasticity revisited: protection or differentiation in the kidney tubule
☉ 11331093:长期吸入皮质激素对哮喘急性发作治疗的影响
☉ 11331094:HIF-1: a master regulator of innate host defenses
☉ 11331095:Skeletal muscle fat oxidation: timing and flexibility are everything
☉ 11331096:Entry of parainfluenza virus into cells as a target for interrupting childhood respiratory disease
☉ 11331097:澳特斯佐治支气管肺炎疗效观察
☉ 11331098:Payment of clinical research subjects
☉ 11331099:肿瘤特异性生长因子在诊断小儿恶性血液病中的临床意义
☉ 11331100:应用肺表面活性物质治疗早产儿肺透明膜病12例

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