☉ 11355551:How protective is the working time directive?
☉ 11355552:How protective is the working time directive?
☉ 11355553:Burns rehabilitation is more than skin deep
☉ 11355554:Shouldn't patients decide who should access their records?
☉ 11355555:Stigma of AIDS needs to be overcome
☉ 11355556:"Serious" and "severe" adverse drug reactions need defining
☉ 11355557:Eradication of MRSA by "ring fencing" orthopaedic beds
☉ 11355558:Eradication of MRSA by "ring fencing" orthopaedic beds
☉ 11355559:NICE clinical guidelines
☉ 11355560:NICE clinical guidelines
☉ 11355561:NICE clinical guidelines
☉ 11355562:NICE clinical guidelines
☉ 11355563:Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society
☉ 11355564:Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society
☉ 11355565:Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society
☉ 11355566:Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society
☉ 11355567:Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society
☉ 11355568:Consent to the publication of patient information
☉ 11355569:Understanding health care in the south Caucasus: examples from Armenia
☉ 11355570:Sexual problems associated with infertility, pregnancy, and ageing
☉ 11355571:Rare causes of haemoptysis in suspected pulmonary embolism
☉ 11355572:Recent developments in Bell's palsy
☉ 11355573:Identification of potential candidates for varicella vaccination by history: questionnaire and seroprevalence study
☉ 11355574:Effect of lactobacillus in preventing post-antibiotic vulvovaginal candidiasis: a randomised controlled trial
☉ 11355575:Relation between online "hit counts" and subsequent citations: prospective study of research papers in the BMJ
☉ 11355576:Women's reasons for not participating in follow up visits before starting short course antiretroviral prophylaxis for prevention of mother t
☉ 11355577:Alcohol drinking in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in old age: a prospective population based stud
☉ 11355578:Golden rules
☉ 11355579:Isolation measures in the hospital management of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): systematic review of the literature
☉ 11355580:New study warns of potential epidemics in UK
☉ 11355581:Counterfeits of impotence drug appear in the United Kingdom
☉ 11355582:United States prepares for another flu pandemic
☉ 11355583:Nearly a third of US adults have high blood pressure
☉ 11355584:Japan's doctors say low fees are driving many to ruin
☉ 11355585:German police call off murder investigation
☉ 11355586:Pakistan medical association warns of potential rise in hepatitis
☉ 11355587:Sweetened drinks increase women's chances of having diabetes
☉ 11355588:Figures show more Americans do not have insurance
☉ 11355589:French surgeons call off strike action
☉ 11355590:UN warns that aid for Sudan is "grossly underfunded"
☉ 11355591:Blood should be treated respectfully
☉ 11355592:Man wins battle to keep receiving life support
☉ 11355593:Man wins battle to keep receiving life support
☉ 11355594:Arteriolar narrowing as predictor of hypertension
☉ 11355595:Arteriolar narrowing as predictor of hypertension
☉ 11355596:Future of psychotherapy in the NHS
☉ 11355597:Future of psychotherapy in the NHS
☉ 11355598:Getting ethics into practice
☉ 11355599:Getting ethics into practice
☉ 11355600:Getting ethics into practice

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