☉ 11355501:NIH moves towards open access
☉ 11355502:Prevalence of high cholesterol varies 25-fold
☉ 11355503:Cardiac specialist to leave Welsh hospital after mediation
☉ 11355504:Bush's international health policies "condemn millions of women to die"
☉ 11355505:Seven doctors to face GMC over Shipman inquiry findings
☉ 11355506:Polypill will not change prevention of heart disease
☉ 11355507:Older women who take adjuvant treatment after lumpectomy may not need radiotherapy
☉ 11355508:Thiomersal doesn't cause developmental disorders
☉ 11355509:Poor lung function is five times commoner in teenagers exposed to high particulate concentrations
☉ 11355510:In brief
☉ 11355511:MPs launch inquiry into influence of drug industry
☉ 11355512:Nationwide protocol is needed for investigating baby deaths
☉ 11355513:原发性肝癌外科治疗方法的选择
☉ 11355514:陈旧性创伤性膈疝并胃坏死一例
☉ 11355515:骨盆截断伤抢救成功1例报道
☉ 11355516:腹腔镜下胆肠吻合术二例报道
☉ 11355517:纤维胆道镜在腹部小切口胆总管探查术中的应用
☉ 11355518:局麻下行无张力疝修补术治疗老年腹股沟疝
☉ 11355519:肝外伤术后血胆症的诊治体会(附4例报道)
☉ 11355520:肿瘤血管生成和肿瘤的微转移
☉ 11355521:原发性肝癌细胞中PyNPase的表达及其临床意义
☉ 11355522:纤维蛋白原-胶原海绵片在肝手术创面的止血及组织封闭作用的动物实验研究
☉ 11355523:高血压脑出血136例外科治疗分析
☉ 11355524:女性功能性膀胱出口梗阻的诊断与治疗
☉ 11355525:急性上消化道大出血手术治疗88例报告
☉ 11355526:先天性膈疝的围手术期处理
☉ 11355527:注射毒品所致假性股动脉瘤治疗体会(附34例)
☉ 11355528:外展位尺骨鹰嘴牵引治疗严重肿胀肱骨髁上骨折70例
☉ 11355529:52例三踝骨折临床疗效分析
☉ 11355530:严重胃肠道创伤患者早期肠内营养的临床应用
☉ 11355531:吻合器痔上粘膜环切术术后并发症的处理对策
☉ 11355532:外伤性脾破裂脾部分切除术探讨
☉ 11355533:直肠癌前切除嵌入式吻合与生活质量
☉ 11355534:乌司他丁在腹部大手术中应用对肝肾功能的影响
☉ 11355535:细菌性肝脓肿外科处理的临床分析
☉ 11355536:手助腹腔镜脾切除与开腹脾切除对机体术后免疫功能影响的比较
☉ 11355537:原发性乳腺癌患者非哨兵淋巴结转移预测因素的研究
☉ 11355538:多肝段月牙形切除肝断面空肠内引流治疗高位恶性胆道梗阻
☉ 11355539:原发性腹膜后恶性肿瘤的诊断和治疗(附23例报告)
☉ 11355540:肝癌合并肝硬化脾亢行肿瘤联合脾切除28例临床分析
☉ 11355541:South Africa and Britain reach agreement to curb poaching of healthcare staff
☉ 11355542:Iraqi doctors are being targeted by kidnappers
☉ 11355543:Air conditioned buildings increase risk of sickness
☉ 11355544:Specialists challenge claim that fluoxetine plus talk therapy works best for depressed adolescents
☉ 11355545:Support services help maintain independence
☉ 11355546:Slow progress on sanitation puts 2.6 billion people at risk
☉ 11355547:In brief
☉ 11355548:UK audit will review pathologists' reports on adult autopsies
☉ 11355549:Study indicates nine risk factors explain most heart attacks
☉ 11355550:How protective is the working time directive?

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