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http://www.100md.com 2018年1月15日 《世界中医药》 20182
     摘要 缪希雍《神农本草经疏》称“五脏苦欲补泻,乃用药第一义”。此用药之法,为历代医家所重视。本文以《素问·藏气法时论篇》为依据,梳理《伤寒论》及《金匮要略》经方“五脏五味补泻”用药范例,以期更好地继承和发扬仲景学术,启迪临证组方用药思路,提高临床疗效。

    关键词 五味;经方;藏气法时论;伤寒论;金匮要略

    Abstract Miao Xiyong emphasized in Commentary on ‘Shen Nong′s Classic of the Materia Medica′ that “Tonification and purgation according to likes and dislikes of five viscera is the first principle of medication”, which has been valued by doctors of all dynasties. According to Plain Questions·Discussion on the Association of the Zang-qi with the Four Seasons ......
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