☉ 10582501:消毒供应室管理的点滴体会
☉ 10582502:中小型医院图书馆如何做好人才培养
☉ 10582503:都柏林沙门菌引起食物中毒的调查报告
☉ 10582504:烟台开发区部分食品 公共场所从业人员乙肝病毒感染状况分析
☉ 10582505:盐阜地区儿童臀肌挛缩症的流行病学调查分析
☉ 10582506:湛江玻璃厂接触粉尘作业工人肺部危害的调查报告
☉ 10582507:归脾汤加味治疗失眠28例
☉ 10582508:五脏论治治眩晕
☉ 10582509:榆树的临床应用
☉ 10582510:针灸罐 药合用治疗带状疱疹
☉ 10582511:芳香化酶抑制剂在乳腺癌内分泌治疗中的应用
☉ 10582512:同型半胱氨酸的测定及临床应用
☉ 10582513:牙科超声影像的研究进展
☉ 10582514:A Waterborne Outbreak of Norwalk-Like Virus among SnowmobilersWyoming, 2001
☉ 10582515:Adenovirus DNA in Serum of Children Hospitalized Due to an Acute Respiratory Adenovirus Infection
☉ 10582516:Campylobacter Transmission in a Peruvian Shantytown: A Longitudinal Study Using Strain Typing of Campylobacter Isolates from Chickens and Humans in Ho
☉ 10582517:Cellular Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)Protective Factors: A Comparison of HIV-Exposed Seronegative Female Sex Workers and Female Blood Donors in
☉ 10582518:尼龙线束引导泪小管断裂吻合术
☉ 10582519:通腑祛痰法治疗中风
☉ 10582520:Chlamydia Trachomatis omp1 Genotypic Diversity and Concordance with Sexual Network Data
☉ 10582521:Clinical Value of Adjunctive Interleukin-2: Clarifications and Corrections
☉ 10582522:Herpes Simplex Virus Infection of Dendritic Cells: Balance among Activation Inhibition and Immunity
☉ 10582523:12-Lipoxygenase Pathway Increases Aldosterone Production 3' 5'-Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Response Element-Binding Protein Phosphorylation and p3
☉ 10582524:Homologous versus Heterologous Immune Responses to Norwalk-Like Viruses among Crew Members after Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreaks on 2 US Navy Vessels
☉ 10582525:Human Herpesvirus (HHV)6 and HHV7: Two Closely Related Viruses with Different Infection Profiles in Stem Cell Transplantation Recipients
☉ 10582526:Immune Response to Capsular Polysaccharide and Surface Proteins of Streptococcus pneumoniae in Patients with Invasive Pneumococcal Disease
☉ 10582527:Interleukin-2 Increases CD4+ Lymphocyte Numbers but Does Not Enhance Responses to Immunization: Results of A5046s
☉ 10582528:Limited Protective Effect of the CCR532/CCR532 Genotype on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Incidence in a Cohort of Patients with Hemophilia an
☉ 10582529:Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein Serum Levels in Patients with Severe Sepsis Due to Gram-Positive and Fungal Infections
☉ 10582530:Modeling of Plasmodium falciparumInfected Erythrocyte Cytoadhesion in Microvascular Conditions: Chondroitin-4-Sulfate Binding, A Competitive Phenotype
☉ 10582531:Multidrug Resistance among Enterobacteriaceae Is Strongly Associated with the Presence of Integrons and Is Independent of Species or Isolate Origin
☉ 10582532:Polymorphism of SLC11A1 (Formerly NRAMP1) Gene Confers Susceptibility to Kawasaki Disease
☉ 10582533:Priming of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1)Specific CD8+ T Cell Responses by Dendritic Cells Loaded with HIV-1 Proteins
☉ 10582534:Purified Protein DerivativeActivated Type 1 CytokineProducing CD4+ T Lymphocytes in the Lung: A Characteristic Feature of Active Pulmonary and Nonpulm
☉ 10582535:Reply
☉ 10582536:SEN Virus Infection in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: Preferential Coinfection with Hepatitis C Genotype 2a and No Effect on Response to Therapy w
☉ 10582537:Serum Immunoglobulin G Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Virus-Like Particles in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)Positive and Risk-Matched HI
☉ 10582538:Serum Immunoglobulin G Response to Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Virus-Like Particles in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)Positive and Risk-Matched HI
☉ 10582539:The CagA Protein of Helicobacter pylori Is Translocated into Epithelial Cells and Binds to SHP-2 in Human Gastric Mucosa
☉ 10582540:The Role That the Functional Asp299Gly Polymorphism in the Toll-Like Receptor4 Gene Plays in Susceptibility to Chlamydia trachomatisAssociated Tubal I
☉ 10582541:Whole Blood Bactericidal Activity during Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
☉ 10582542:A Murine Model of Coccidioidal Meningitis
☉ 10582543:A Passive Immunotherapy, PEHRG214 in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Phase I Study
☉ 10582544:A Potential Virulence Gene, hylEfm Predominates in Enterococcus faecium of Clinical Origin
☉ 10582545:Activation of Platelet gpIIbIIIa by Phospholipase C from Clostridium perfringens Involves Store-Operated Calcium Entry
☉ 10582546:Antigen Burden Is a Major Determinant of Human Immunodeficiency VirusSpecific CD8+ T Cell Maturation State: Potential Implications for Therapeutic Imm
☉ 10582547:Cell-Associated Genital Tract Virus and Vertical Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Antiretroviral-Experienced Women
☉ 10582548:Cell-to-Cell Contact of Human Monocytes with Infected Arterial Smooth-Muscle Cells Enhances Growth of Chlamydia pneumoniae
☉ 10582549:Chlamydia trachomatis Infection Alters Host Cell Transcription in Diverse Cellular Pathways
☉ 10582550:Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Results in a Rapid Increase in T Cell Receptor Variable Region Repertoire Diversity within CD45RA CD8 T Cells in H

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