☉ 10585051:护理干预对脑卒中后患者抑郁状态的影响
☉ 10585052:患儿外伤性前房出血的护理
☉ 10585053:急性心肌梗死静脉溶栓治疗的护理
☉ 10585054:经口鼻蝶窦显微切除垂体瘤的术中护理
☉ 10585055:髋关节置换术后并发深静脉血栓形成的护理
☉ 10585056:老年患者心脏起搏器植入术的围手术期护理
☉ 10585057:绿脓杆菌性角膜溃疡的治疗与护理体会
☉ 10585058:脑出血患者血压的监控与护理
☉ 10585059:剖宫产术后定时开放尿管与应用开塞露的体会
☉ 10585060:浅谈出口梗阻型便秘的护理体会
☉ 10585061:绒癌脑转移患者围腰椎穿刺操作中的配合及护理
☉ 10585062:糖尿病患者口服降糖药物的最佳时间
☉ 10585063:糖尿病性白内障患者围手术期护理的探讨
☉ 10585064:A transgene carrying an A2G missense mutation in the SMN gene modulates phenotypic severity in mice with severe (type I) spinal muscular atrophy
☉ 10585065:微创技术治疗胫骨平台骨折的康复护理
☉ 10585066:无痛人工流产术的护理
☉ 10585067:小剂量多巴胺治疗婴儿重症肺炎的疗效观察及护理
☉ 10585068:心脏手术患者在麻醉准备间的安全管理
☉ 10585069:应用凯时注射液治疗脑血管病的观察与护理
☉ 10585070:有创直接动脉压监测法在危重患者中的应用与护理
☉ 10585071:A Direct Transposon Insertion Tool for Modification and Functional Analysis of Viral Genomes
☉ 10585072:Ac23 an Envelope Fusion Protein Homolog in the Baculovirus Autographa californica Multicapsid Nucleopolyhedrovirus Is a Viral Pathogenicity Factor
☉ 10585073:and Suppressed by Poliovirus
☉ 10585074:Blotched Snakehead Virus Is a New Aquatic Birnavirus That Is Slightly More Related to Avibirnavirus Than to Aquabirnavirus
☉ 10585075:Characterization of a Siberian Virus Isolated from a Patient with Progressive Chronic Tick-Borne Encephalitis
☉ 10585076:Concordant Modulation of Neutralization Resistance and High Infectivity of the Primary Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 MN Strain and Definition of
☉ 10585077:Differential Cytokine Responses following Marek's Disease Virus Infection of Chickens Differing in Resistance to Marek's Disease
☉ 10585078:Disruption of CCL21-Induced Chemotaxis In Vitro and In Vivo by M3 a Chemokine-Binding Protein Encoded by Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68
☉ 10585079:Disruption of Mitochondrial Networks by the Human Cytomegalovirus UL37 Gene Product Viral Mitochondrion-Localized Inhibitor of Apoptosis
☉ 10585080:Disulfide-Linked Integrase Oligomers Involving C280 Residues Are Formed In Vitro and In Vivo but Are Not Essential for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Re
☉ 10585081:Disulfide-Linked Integrase Oligomers Involving C280 Residues Are Formed In Vitro and In Vivo but Are Not Essential for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Re
☉ 10585082:DNA Immunization with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Polycistronic Genes or Immunization by HCV DNA Priming-Recombinant Canarypox Virus Boosting Induces Immu
☉ 10585083:Early Synthesis of Budded Virus Envelope Fusion Protein GP64 Enhances Autographa californica Multicapsid Nucleopolyhedrovirus Virulence in Orally Infe
☉ 10585084:Effective Inhibition of Kb- and Db-Restricted Antigen Presentation in Primary Macrophages by Murine Cytomegalovirus
☉ 10585085:Enhances Replication of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus RNAs
☉ 10585086:Epstein-Barr Virus LMP2A Interferes with Global Transcription Factor Regulation When Expressed during B-Lymphocyte Development
☉ 10585087:Evidence for Antibody-Mediated Enhancement of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) Gag Antigen Processing and Cross Presentation in SIV-Infected Rhesus
☉ 10585088:Expression of CXCR4 on Feline Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: Effect of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
☉ 10585089:Extent of Measles Virus Spread and Immune Suppression Differentiates between Wild-Type and Vaccine Strains in the Cotton Rat Model (Sigmodon hispidus)
☉ 10585090:Fine Mapping of the Interaction of Neutralizing and Nonneutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies with the CD4 Binding Site of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Ty
☉ 10585091:Functional Expression of Chemokine Receptor CCR5 on CD4+ T Cells during Virus-Induced Central Nervous System Disease
☉ 10585092:Functional Replacement of Nucleocapsid Flanking Regions by Heterologous Counterparts with Divergent Primary Sequences: Effects of Chimeric Nucleocapsi
☉ 10585093:G100R Mutation within 4070A Murine Leukemia Virus Env Increases Virus Receptor Binding, Kinetics of Entry, and Viral Transduction Efficiency
☉ 10585094:Genetic Interaction between Distinct Dobrava Hantavirus Subtypes in Apodemus agrarius and A. flavicollis in Nature
☉ 10585095:Construction that Genome inconstancy is on limitting the virus with Capsid hepatitis
☉ 10585096:Gris1 in the leukemia that Graffi rat the section is inside a new usually integrate the leukemia that position respond virus:Be sliced by 於 of first
☉ 10585097:Hemagglutination by Binding to H Histo-Blood Group Antigens
☉ 10585098:Herpesvirus G Protein-Coupled Receptor Has Broad Signaling Effects in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells
☉ 10585099:Heterodimerization of the Two Major Envelope Proteins Is Essential for Arterivirus Infectivity
☉ 10585100:Human and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Capsid Proteins Are Major Viral Determinants of Early Postentry Replication Blocks in Simian Cells

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