☉ 11176451:丙泊酚在人流中的应用
☉ 11176452:注射用抑肽酶致过敏性休克死亡1例
☉ 11176453:脊髓肠源性囊肿1例报告
☉ 11176454:来氟米特致粒细胞缺乏症1例
☉ 11176455:双黄连治疗口腔黏膜疱疹45例
☉ 11176456:社区老年人生活质量的研究与探索
☉ 11176457:103例围产儿出生缺陷分析
☉ 11176458:临床病例讨论——胸痛、呼吸困难、咯血、发热
☉ 11176459:儿童偏头痛1例报告
☉ 11176460:留置针与普通静脉穿刺针在院前急救输液中的效果对比
☉ 11176461:重视人文关怀的“3H”护理服务模式有效应用
☉ 11176462:一起亚硝酸盐食物中毒报道
☉ 11176463:新疆地区反恐怖斗争卫勤保障的思考
☉ 11176464:临床健康教育的护理体会
☉ 11176465:绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的危险因素及健康教育
☉ 11176466:介入治疗宫外孕15例的护理
☉ 11176467:Different Versions of the Dayhoff Rate Matrix
☉ 11176468:Evidence for Archaic Asian Ancestry on the Human X
☉ 11176469:医院信息系统网络文档的使用
☉ 11176470:The MinMax Squeeze: Guaranteeing a Minimal Tree fo
☉ 11176471:A Simple Hierarchical Approach to Modeling Distrib
☉ 11176472:Mitochondrial Genomes of Clymenella torquata (Mald
☉ 11176473:Determinants of Adaptive Evolution at the Molecula
☉ 11176474:Excess of Amino Acid Substitutions Relative to Pol
☉ 11176475:Non-African Origin of a Local Beneficial Mutation
☉ 11176476:A Comprehensive Analysis of Mammalian Mitochondria
☉ 11176477:Evolution of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Metabolism by
☉ 11176478:A Functional Screen Identifies Lateral Transfer of
☉ 11176479:Divergence Population Genetics of Chimpanzees
☉ 11176480:Nonuniform Concerted Evolution and Chloroplast Cap
☉ 11176481:Evolutionary History of Chromosome 20
☉ 11176482:Isolation and Molecular Evolution of the Selenocys
☉ 11176483:Molecular Phylogeny of the Plant Pathogenic Genus
☉ 11176484:Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Utility of th
☉ 11176485:Molecular Clocks Do Not Support the Cambrian Explo
☉ 11176486:Selenoproteins and the Metabolic Features of the A
☉ 11176487:Comparative Analyses Reveal a Complex History of M
☉ 11176488:Evolution of the AID/APOBEC Family of Polynucleoti
☉ 11176489:Substitution Rates in a New Silene latifolia Sex-L
☉ 11176490:Measuring the Fit of Sequence Data to Phylogenetic
☉ 11176491:Identification of a Giardia krr1 Homolog Gene and
☉ 11176492:Evolution of Bitter Taste Receptors in Humans and
☉ 11176493:How Strong Is the Mutagenicity of Recombination in
☉ 11176494:An Exponential Core in the Heart of the Yeast Prot
☉ 11176495:Root of the Eukaryota Tree as Inferred from Combin
☉ 11176496:The Cellular Retinol-Binding Protein Genes Are Dup
☉ 11176497:A Statistical Characterization of Consistent Patte
☉ 11176498:Physicochemical Evolution and Molecular Adaptation
☉ 11176499:Divergence Pattern of Duplicate Genes in Protein-P
☉ 11176500:The Comparative Method Rules! Codon Volatility Can

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