☉ 11333301:第三代头孢菌素类药物的不良反应分析
☉ 11333302:Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) regulates multipotent neural progenitor proliferation
☉ 11333303:The limited role of NH2-terminal c-Jun phosphorylation in neuronal apoptosis : Identification of the nuclear pore complex as a potential tar
☉ 11333304:Viruses activate a genetically conserved cell death pathway in a unicellular organism
☉ 11333305:抽查医院门诊处方浅析
☉ 11333306:Identification of FIP200 interaction with the TSC1–TSC2 complex and its role in regulation of cell size control
☉ 11333307:Mammalian WDR12 is a novel member of the Pes1–Bop1 complex and is required for ribosome biogenesis and cell proliferation
☉ 11333308:Dynamic formation of RecA filaments at DNA double strand break repair centers in live cells
☉ 11333309:A local mechanism mediates NAD-dependent protection of axon degeneration
☉ 11333310:超声在食管贲门癌诊断中的价值
☉ 11333311:sdfsfasfasfIndependent and sequential recruitment of NHEJ and HR factors to DNA damage sites in mammalian cells
☉ 11333312:超极低体重早产儿救治的临床研究
☉ 11333313:Actin- and myosin-driven movement of viruses along filopodia precedes their entry into cells
☉ 11333314:阿立哌唑治疗女性精神分裂症的效果分析
☉ 11333315:A novel role for Gab2 in bFGF-mediated cell survival during retinoic acid–induced neuronal differentiation
☉ 11333316:JNK antagonizes Akt-mediated survival signals by phosphorylating 14-3-3
☉ 11333317:Src-like adaptor protein down-regulates T cell receptor (TCR)–CD3 expression by targeting TCR for degradation
☉ 11333318:Bartter和Gitelman综合症
☉ 11333319:Lethal giant larvae proteins interact with the exocyst complex and are involved in polarized exocytosis
☉ 11333320:Depalmitoylated Ras traffics to and from the Golgi complex via a nonvesicular pathway
☉ 11333321:网络信息资源组织中的医学搜索引擎
☉ 11333322:SNAREs can promote complete fusion and hemifusion as alternative outcomes
☉ 11333323:The WD40 protein Caf4p is a component of the mitochondrial fission machinery and recruits Dnm1p to mitochondria
☉ 11333324:The nuclear pore complex–associated protein, Mlp2p, binds to the yeast spindle pole body and promotes its efficient assembly
☉ 11333325:Meiotic telomere clustering requires actin for its formation and cohesin for its resolution
☉ 11333326:Dynamic assembly and sustained retention of 53BP1 at the sites of DNA damage are controlled by Mdc1/NFBD1
☉ 11333327:邹城市1995~2004年细菌性痢疾的流行状况分析
☉ 11333328:Huntingtin interacting protein 1 modulates the transcriptional activity of nuclear hormone receptors
☉ 11333329:FcRI-mediated mast cell degranulation requires calcium-independent microtubule-dependent translocation of granules to the plasma membrane
☉ 11333330:CAPRI and RASAL impose different modes of information processing on Ras due to contrasting temporal filtering of Ca2+
☉ 11333331:淄博市张店区2004年法定传染病漏报调查
☉ 11333332:The c-SMAC : sorting it all out (or in)
☉ 11333333:郑州市1970~2004年急性传染病流行趋势分析
☉ 11333334:It's HIP to be a hub : new trends for old-fashioned proteins
☉ 11333335:Decoding Ca2+ signals : a question of timing
☉ 11333336:浙江省台州市71例HIV/AIDS病例流行病学分析
☉ 11333337:A talin-dependent LFA-1 focal zone is formed by rapidly migrating T lymphocytes
☉ 11333338:Aberrant lysosomal carbohydrate storage accompanies endocytic defects and neurodegeneration in Drosophila benchwarmer
☉ 11333339:枣庄市台儿庄区2004年狂犬病暴露人群调查
☉ 11333340:Proteomic analysis of a eukaryotic cilium
☉ 11333341:云浮市一起乙型脑炎爆发调查
☉ 11333342:A microtubule-dependent zone of active RhoA during cleavage plane specification
☉ 11333343:TGF- maintains dormancy of prostatic stem cells in the proximal region of ducts
☉ 11333344:岳阳市吸毒人群四种血液传染病感染的流行病学调查
☉ 11333345:Hydrogen peroxide regulation of endothelial exocytosis by inhibition of N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor
☉ 11333346:Dissociation of Akt1 from its negative regulator JIP1 is mediated through the ASK1–MEK–JNK signal transduction pathway during metabolic oxid
☉ 11333347:Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 is a new target of microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) in melanoma cells
☉ 11333348:乙肝免疫球蛋白阻断HBV母婴垂直传播的研究
☉ 11333349:四川内江市基本消灭疟疾技术措施及其成效分析
☉ 11333350:Calreticulin signals upstream of calcineurin and MEF2C in a critical Ca2+-dependent signaling cascade

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