☉ 11331001:A mouse model of juvenile hemochromatosis
☉ 11331002:慢性硬膜下血肿钻孔引流术后并发症的防治(附186例报告)
☉ 11331003:Scleral contact lenses are not optically inferior to corneal lenses
☉ 11331004:Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography of birdshot retinochoroidopathy
☉ 11331005:Hemojuvelin is essential for dietary iron sensing, and its mutation leads to severe iron overload
☉ 11331006:Unilateral necrotising toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis as the main clinical manifestation of a peptide transporter (TAP) deficiency
☉ 11331007:Impression cytology of the ocular surface
☉ 11331008:慢性酒精中毒患者脑电图的分析
☉ 11331009:ROS generated by pollen NADPH oxidase provide a signal that augments antigen-induced allergic airway inflammation
☉ 11331010:Hypertensive retinopathy revisited: some answers, more questions
☉ 11331011:The AML1-ETO fusion gene and the FLT3 length mutation collaborate in inducing acute leukemia in mice
☉ 11331012:Expression of FGFR-2 and FGFR-3 in the normal human fetal orbit
☉ 11331013:Gremlin gene expression in bovine retinal pericytes exposed to elevated glucose
☉ 11331014:HIV-1 fusion peptide targets the TCR and inhibits antigen-specific T cell activation
☉ 11331015:继发性腹膜炎术中腹腔灌洗1000例分析
☉ 11331016:Induction of prolonged survival of CD4+ T lymphocytes by intermittent IL-2 therapy in HIV-infected patients
☉ 11331017:PI3K rescues the detrimental effects of chronic Akt activation in the heart during ischemia/reperfusion injury
☉ 11331018:记忆合金肋骨环抱接骨板治疗肋骨骨折
☉ 11331019:Akt1/protein kinase B is critical for ischemic and VEGF-mediated angiogenesis
☉ 11331020:肺心病并发冠心病12例临床分析
☉ 11331021:Disruption of coordinated cardiac hypertrophy and angiogenesis contributes to the transition to heart failure
☉ 11331022:低分子肝素治疗不稳定型心绞痛疗效观察
☉ 11331023:Enzymatic function of hemoglobin as a nitrite reductase that produces NO under allosteric control
☉ 11331024:The hematopoietic factor G-CSF is a neuronal ligand that counteracts programmed cell death and drives neurogenesis
☉ 11331025:低分子肝素在血液透析应用中的评价
☉ 11331026:Of mice and men: the iron age
☉ 11331027:A molecule’s right to choose: how diabetogenic class II MHC products bind peptides
☉ 11331028:LY-257型韩氏穴位神经刺激仪治疗带状疱疹神经痛疗效观察
☉ 11331029:Weaving Klotho into bile acid metabolism
☉ 11331030:You are right too!
☉ 11331031:滥用缩宫素致子宫不完全破裂、失血性休克1例
☉ 11331032:Insulin infusion in acute illness
☉ 11331033:Spring brings breezes, wheezes, and pollen oxidases
☉ 11331034:A new direction for gene therapy: intrathymic T cell–specific lentiviral gene transfer
☉ 11331035:Akt1 in the cardiovascular system: friend or foe
☉ 11331036:ATP-sensitive potassium channelopathies: focus on insulin secretion
☉ 11331037:Chloride channel diseases resulting from impaired transepithelial transport or vesicular function
☉ 11331038:新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的治疗进展
☉ 11331039:Cardiac and skeletal muscle disorders caused by mutations in the intracellular Ca2+ release channels
☉ 11331040:Genetics of acquired long QT syndrome
☉ 11331041:Long QT syndrome: from channels to cardiac arrhythmias
☉ 11331042:Sodium channel mutations in epilepsy and other neurological disorders
☉ 11331043:Muscle channelopathies and critical points in functional and genetic studies
☉ 11331044:儿童气质相关因素分析
☉ 11331045:Inherited disorders of voltage-gated sodium channels
☉ 11331046:小儿病毒性心肌炎心肌线粒体损伤研究进展
☉ 11331047:The channelopathies: novel insights into molecular and genetic mechanisms of human disease
☉ 11331048:Thyrotropin receptor–associated diseases: from adenomata to Graves disease
☉ 11331049:Tom Cruise is dangerous and irresponsible
☉ 11331050:儿科病区院内感染原因及护理管理要点

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