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    Wiseman 中醫名詞英譯:應用系統化原則的翻譯模式


    台湾长庚大学中医学系Nigel Wiseman (魏迺杰)


    关键词: 中医名词英译、翻译方法、名词规范化

    英文题目: English Translation of Chinese Medical Terms: A Scheme Based on Integrated Principles

    作者简介: Nigel Wiseman(魏迺杰) (1954~),男,英国人,英国替代医学博士,现任台湾长 庚大学中医系讲师,从事中医翻译 20年。

    Although Chinese medicine has gained in popularity in Western countries over the last few

    decades, there is still no standardized English terminology of Chinese medicine. Chinese

    medicine has an immense vocabulary (the Zhōngyī Dàcídiǎn [1] includes over 30,000 terms);

    hence the creation of a corresponding terminology in any other language is a major task and the

    process of standardization is complex. Numerous terms lists proposing English equivalents have

    been published, but they differ considerably in the translation methods applied and most lack any

    systematic approach. A large proportion of the textbooks and clinical literature currently

    available in English does not strictly apply any English terminology published in a bilingual

    terms list; most Western translators only provide small lists of terms appended to their works. In

    the context of efforts led by the National Terminology Committee to standardize both the

    Chinese and English terminology of Chinese Medicine, I would like to present my proposed

    scheme for the translation of Chinese medical terms into English. This scheme is derived from

    observation of translation practices in other fields and has been tested in the creation of

    terminology that has been used in the English translation of modern and ancient literature.


    中国传统医学的词汇极为庞大复杂,在《中医大词典》[1]中即收词逾30,000个, 因此,在








    Different methods can be used to devise a terminology in the target language: a) existing

    terms (用现成的名词); b) loans (借辞,即音译); c) loan-translations (仿造); or d) neologisms

    based on the definition of the term (根剧定义造新词). In each case, more than one of these

    methods are used. When we observe the practice of term translation in other fields, we find that

    in any given terminology different methods are used for different term classes. Furthermore,different combinations of methods are used when translating terms in a given field into different Wiseman 中醫名詞英譯:應用系統化原則的翻譯模式 2

    target languages. Close observation of translation practice in other fields enables us to discover

    the laws governing the use of different translation methods, and help us to select the best

    approach in the English translation of Chinese medical terms.






    The translation of Western medical terms furnishes good examples of classic trends in term

    translation. Generally speaking, terms that are used by lay people are simply translated by their

    obvious lay equivalents. When the Latin anatomical terms were first translated from Latin into

    English, lay terms such as nasus, os, cor, and genu were naturally translated into English as nose,mouth, heart, and knee, and into German as Nase, Mund, Herz, and Knie. When Western

    medicine was adopted in China, these English terms naturally translated into Chinese as 鼻、口、心、膝. Lay terms are translated by lay equivalents because they are the obvious choices,but also because they help to preserve the relationship between general knowledge and specialist


    西医名词翻译为名词翻译做了良好的示范 ......
