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    410013 长沙 中南大学湘雅第三医院肿瘤科 曹培国 , 张 隽 , 唐又群 , 姚志平 , 张 震 , 潘宇亮

    【摘 要 】 目的:评价热化综合治疗恶性体腔积液的疗效、 毒副反应及对生活质量的影响。方法: 86例病人均是经过手

    术、 放射治疗和 (或 )多程化疗后复发及广泛转移的患者 ,其中胸水 49例 ,心包积液 3例 ,腹水 50例;先行穿刺引流并以单药或

    二联化疗药物行腔内注射 ,常用药物为顺铂 (DDP) 50~100 mg,丝裂霉素 (MMC) 8~10 mg,氟尿嘧啶 (52 Fu) 110~115 g,吡喃

    阿霉素 (THP) 40 mg,腔内化疗 1~6次 ,平均 3次;患者一般情况改善后行全身化疗 ,根据不同病种选择不同用药方案;每次腔

    内及静脉化疗后即行射频透热 , 2次 /周 ,平均 6次 ,腔内温度控制在 42 ℃左右 ,并维持 40~60 min。结果: 49例胸水 CR 26

    例 , PR 17例 ,有效率 87%; 3例心包积液均 CR; 50例腹水 CR 24例 , PR 14例 ,有效率 76%;不同病种有效率不同 ,以乳腺、 肺、卵巢及胃肠道肿瘤合并积液者疗效较好。治疗后 Karnofsky评分 80~100分组的比例由 0%上升到 28% , 60~70分组由 23%

    上升到 43% , 0~30分组治疗前后无明显变化。与热疗相关的主要副反应为局部皮肤疼痛 ( 17% )和皮下脂肪硬结 ( 11% )。

    结论:热化综合治疗恶性体腔积液有较好疗效 ,并能明显改善患者生活质量 ,毒副反应可以耐受。

    【关键词 】 恶性胸腔积液; 恶性心包积液; 热疗; 化疗

    中图分类号: R730153 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1009 - 0460 (2005) 02 - 0148 - 04

    Trea tmen t of Ma l i gnan t Pleura l or Per i card i a l Effusi on and Asc ites Usi ng Hypertherm i a Comb i ned with


    CAO Pei2 guo, ZHANG Jun, TANG You2 qun, YAO Zh i2 ping, ZHANG Zhen, PAN Yu2liang . Depart m ent of Oncol2

    ogy, The Third X iangya Hospita l , Central S outh Univer sity, Changsha 410013, China

    【Abstract】 Objecti ve: To evaluate the efficacy and t olerance of hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy in treat ment ofma2

    lignant p leural or pericardial effusi on and as cites . Methods:All 86 caseswere recurrent ormetastatic cancer patients . 49 cases had ma2

    lignant p leural effusi on, 3 cases hadmalignant pericardial effusi on and 40 cases had ascites . After drainage, one or t wo chemotherapeutic

    drugs such as DDP 50~100 mg,MMC 8~10 mg, 52 Fu 110~115 g or THP2 ADM 40 mg were injected int o the p leural, pericardial or

    perit oneal cavity . By the ti me the patientspsymp t oms such as dys ponea or abdominal distenti on relief, system chemotherapy began . Each

    ti me chemotherapy was foll owed by hyperther mia which maintained the cavityp s temperature at 42 ℃ for 40~60 minutes . Hyperther mia

    was performed t wice perweek for 3~4 weeks (6 ti mes at means) . Then, the efficacy, quality of life and t oxicities were evaluated . Re2

    sults: The response rate was 87% in 49 cases with malignant p leural effusi on and 76% in 50 cases with ascites and 100% in 3 cases

    with malignant pericardial effusi on . The res ponse rate was better in breast, lung, ovarian and digestive tract cancer patients with malig2

    nant p leural effusi on or ascites . After combined treat ment, the Karnofsky scores rised from 0% t o 28% at 80~100 group and from 23%

    t o 43% at 60~70 gr oup, but there was no difference at 0~30 group. Themain side effects of hyperther mia were l ocal skin pain (17% )

    and fat necr osis (11% ) . Conclusi on: Hyperther mia combined with chemotherapy is effective in the treat ment of malignant p leural or

    pericardial effusi on and ascites, and this treat ment can i mp r ove the quality of life . The side effects are t olerable .

    【KeyWords】 Malignant p leural effusi on; Malignant pericardial effusi on; Hyperther mia; Chemotherapy

    恶性胸、 腹腔和心包积液为晚期恶性肿瘤的严

    重并发症 ,常表现为呼吸困难、 胸背胀痛、 腹胀等不

    适 ,严重损害了患者的生活和生存质量 ,最后因呼

    吸、 循环障碍及严重的水电解质紊乱而死亡。既往

    治疗恶性体腔积液的常用方法为穿刺引流、 腔内局

    部化疗或注入生物反应调节剂等 ,但这些方法治疗


    2000年 12月至 2003年 6月 ,我们采用局部射


    患者 86例 ,取得了较好的近期疗效 ,并明显改善了

    患者的生活质量 ,现将结果报告如下:

    1 材料与方法

    1 . 1 临床资料 86例恶性体腔积液患者均是经病

    · 841 · 临床肿瘤学杂志 2005年 4月第 10卷第 2期 Chinese ClinicalOncol ogy,Ap r . 2005,Vol . 10,No . 2

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.理证实 ,且已行手术、 放射治疗和 /或多程化疗后无

    效、 复发或广泛转移的患者 ,男性 46例、 女性 40例 ,年龄 18~76岁、 平均 51岁; 86例患者中并发胸水

    者 49例、 心包积液者 3例、 腹水者 50例 (共 102个

    积液病灶 ) ,见表 1 ......
