☉ 11119101:海洛因成瘾脱毒期窦性心动过缓78例临床分析
☉ 11119102:Taking away the sting of malaria
☉ 11119103:News a glance
☉ 11119104:Bench to Bedside Neuroprotection after stroke
☉ 11119105:坚固内固定治疗下颌骨骨折
☉ 11119106:The evolving TNM cancer staging system: an essenti
☉ 11119107:Election 2006: Party leaders debate the health of
☉ 11119108:Ontario pharmacists drop Plan B screening form
☉ 11119109:妊娠合并子宫肌瘤38例临床分析
☉ 11119110:HTLV-1 virus detected in Nunavut
☉ 11119111:连续缝合及皮内缝合在会阴缝合术中的应用
☉ 11119112:Highlights of this issue ?
☉ 11119113:Highlights of this issue ?
☉ 11119114:胃Dieulafoy病(附6例报告)
☉ 11119115:同型半胱氨酸与冠心病介入治疗早期心脏并发症的关系
☉ 11119116:Counter attack
☉ 11119117:羊水Ⅲ度胎粪污染103例临床分析
☉ 11119118:Election promises: moving beyond health care
☉ 11119119:手法治疗股骨头缺血性坏死研究报告
☉ 11119120:Promesses électorales : au-delà des soins de santé
☉ 11119121:Spheres of influence
☉ 11119122:肿胀麻醉下共振吸脂术48例体会
☉ 11119123:Psychiatry is hard
☉ 11119124:支气管动脉栓塞治疗支气管扩张咯血疗效分析
☉ 11119125:Getting a grip on waiting lists
☉ 11119126:部队健康管理要趁时而上
☉ 11119127:Letters 2
☉ 11119128:Letters
☉ 11119129:Reducing procedural pain
☉ 11119130:放射治疗配合微波热疗在颈部转移癌的临床应用研究
☉ 11119131:Getting a grip on waiting lists
☉ 11119132:阿那曲唑治疗晚期乳腺癌的临床观察
☉ 11119133:Clarifying a misunderstanding on clinical trial re
☉ 11119134:鼾症患者气道管理困难的多因素分析
☉ 11119135:Reducing procedural pain
☉ 11119136:腹股沟疝术后慢性疼痛分析
☉ 11119137:Sharpening the point
☉ 11119138:前列康舒胶囊治疗慢性盆腔疼痛综合征临床研究
☉ 11119139:Sharpening the point
☉ 11119140:Clarifying a misunderstanding on clinical trial re
☉ 11119141:退行性下胸椎管狭窄症的诊断和手术策略
☉ 11119142:On bias and transparency in the development of inf
☉ 11119143:Assessing and scaling the knowledge pyramid: the g
☉ 11119144:手术室纯动态消毒机与紫外线空气消毒效果比较
☉ 11119145:Utilization and outcomes of HbA1c testing: a popul
☉ 11119146:Guideline controversy
☉ 11119147:加强检验科全面质量管理 完善信息系统建设
☉ 11119148:The Canadian Diabetes Association guidelines: putt
☉ 11119149:smouldering epidemic
☉ 11119150:An elderly man with sudden-onset shortness of brea

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