☉ 11274451:Intracellular Signaling for Vasoconstrictor Coupling Factor 6
☉ 11274452:Eplerenone Inhibits Atherosclerosis in Nonhuman Primates
☉ 11274453:Sex Steroids Modulate Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cell Matrix Protein Deposition and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression
☉ 11274454:Uric Acid Is as Important as Proteinuria in Identifying Fetal Risk in Women With Gestational Hypertension
☉ 11274455:Body Mass Index and Angiotensin-Dependent Control of the Renal Circulation in Healthy Humans
☉ 11274456:Critical Role for CuZn-Superoxide Dismutase in Preventing Angiotensin II-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction
☉ 11274457:Neurocirculatory Abnormalities in Parkinson Disease With Orthostatic Hypotension
☉ 11274458:Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity During Wakefulness in Heart Failure Patients With and Without Sleep Apnea
☉ 11274459:Effects of Salt Sensitivity on Neural Cardiovascular Regulation in Essential Hypertension
☉ 11274460:Lack of Inducible NO Synthase Reduces Oxidative Stress and Enhances Cardiac Response to Isoproterenol in Mice With Deoxycorticosterone Aceta
☉ 11274461:The Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor Causes Constitutive Growth of Cardiomyocytes and Does Not Antagonize Angiotensin II Type 1 ReceptoreCMedi
☉ 11274462:Calcium Inhibits Renin Gene Expression by Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Mechanisms
☉ 11274463:Sex-Specific Effects of Prenatal Low-Protein and Carbenoxolone Exposure on Renal Angiotensin Receptor Expression in Rats
☉ 11274464:Hydrolysis of Angiotensin Peptides by Human Angiotensin IeCConverting Enzyme and the Resensitization of B2 Kinin Receptors
☉ 11274465:Increased Aortic NADPH Oxidase Activity in Rats With Genetically High Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Levels
☉ 11274466:Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Agonistic Antibodies Reflect Fundamental Alterations in the Uteroplacental Vasculature
☉ 11274467:Thrombophilia Is Significantly Associated With Severe Preeclampsia
☉ 11274468:Adenosine-Stimulated Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Release Through A1 Receptor Subtype
☉ 11274469:A Population Association Study of Angiotensinogen Polymorphisms and Haplotypes With Left Ventricular Phenotypes
☉ 11274470:Genome-Wide Linkage Analysis for Loci Affecting Pulse Pressure
☉ 11274471:Genome-Wide Scan for Linkage to Obesity-Associated Hypertension in French Canadians
☉ 11274472:冠心病患者血浆MBL含量测定及分析
☉ 11274473:急性肾功能衰竭家兔心肌损伤的体液机制
☉ 11274474:Differential Effects of -Blockers on Albuminuria in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
☉ 11274475:Epistasis, Not Numbers, Regulates Functions of Clustered Dahl Rat Quantitative Trait Loci Applicable to Human Hypertension
☉ 11274476:液基细胞学和常规宫颈涂片筛查宫颈癌的对比研究
☉ 11274477:乳腺癌患者保留肋间臂神经的临床意义
☉ 11274478:Na+K+ATPase活性在大鼠左心室流出道电活动改变中的作用
☉ 11274479:72例喉癌患者耐药基因与临床预后关系的初步探讨
☉ 11274480:EGFR在乳腺癌中的表达及意义
☉ 11274481:高浓度铅接触对小鼠外周血红细胞形态的影响
☉ 11274482:急性脑梗死患者血清中IL1β及IL6水平变化的研究
☉ 11274483:26例慢性粒细胞白血病的临床分析
☉ 11274484:上皮性卵巢癌中Skp2蛋白的表达及临床意义
☉ 11274485:小儿川崎病并发冠状动脉病变高危因素探讨
☉ 11274486:鼻腔非霍奇金淋巴瘤的化学治疗及放射治疗
☉ 11274487:下腔静脉滤器的临床应用
☉ 11274488:髋关节后脱位合并髋臼后壁骨折片及臼唇损伤的治疗与康复
☉ 11274489:脑卒中患者的护理
☉ 11274490:窒息新生儿的行为神经测定
☉ 11274491:微创撬拨术治疗后踝骨折
☉ 11274492:改良额肌瓣悬吊术治疗重度先天性上睑下垂临床观察
☉ 11274493:632名产后抑郁症发病率及其认知功能障碍分析
☉ 11274494:手外伤208例法医学鉴定分析
☉ 11274495:房间隔缺损猝死1例分析
☉ 11274496:新生儿窒息血清胆汁酸检测意义
☉ 11274497:医学生英语学习特征及学习品质的培养
☉ 11274498:双侧同时性原发性乳腺癌不同病理分型1例报告
☉ 11274499:保留十二指肠胰头切除术单纯胰漏的预防体会
☉ 11274500:人工流产妇女1031例状况分析

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