☉ 11274251:Serological Analysis of Serum Samples from Humans Exposed to Avian H7 Influenza Viruses in Italy between 1999 and 2003
☉ 11274252:Abnormal Vaginal Flora as a Biological Risk Factor for Acquisition of HIV Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
☉ 11274253:Transmission of Avian Influenza Viruses to and between Humans
☉ 11274254:Gilbert Syndrome and the Development of Antiretroviral TherapyAssociated Hyperbilirubinemia
☉ 11274255:Bacterial Vaginosis and Susceptibility to HIV Infection in South African Women: A Nested Case-Control Study
☉ 11274256:Molecular Epidemiology of Foodborne Hepatitis A Outbreaks in the United States, 2003
☉ 11274257:A Prospective Clinical Study of Epstein-Barr Virus and Host Interactions during Acute Infectious Mononucleosis
☉ 11274258:Mononucleosis in the Laboratory
☉ 11274259:Population-Based Epidemiological Study of Infections Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Calgary Health Region: Imp
☉ 11274260:Impact of Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Prophylaxis on Falciparum Malaria Infection and Disease
☉ 11274261:Differential Targeting and Shifts in the Immunodominance of Epstein-Barr VirusSpecific CD8 and CD4 T Cell Responses during Acute and Persist
☉ 11274262:Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis: More Cases of This Fatal Disease Are Prevented by Measles Immunization than Was Previously Recognized
☉ 11274263:Plasma Collection and Donor Safety in Rural China
☉ 11274264:A Vaccine-Preventable Infectious Disease Kills Half a Million Children Annually
☉ 11274265:Nature Usually Favors Females
☉ 11274266:Schistosomiasis and HIV-1 Infection in Rural Zimbabwe: Effect of Treatment of Schistosomiasis on CD4 Cell Count and Plasma HIV-1 RNA Load
☉ 11274267:Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Former Commercial Plasma/Blood Donors in Rural Shanxi Province, China: The China Integrated Programs for Rese
☉ 11274268:Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria in Infants: Moving Forward, Cautiously
☉ 11274269:Less than the Sum of Its Parts: Failure of a Tenofovir-Abacavir-Lamivudine Triple-Nucleoside Regimen
☉ 11274270:Parasitological Rebound Effect and Emergence of Pyrimethamine Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum after Single-Dose Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamin
☉ 11274271:Reducing the Global Burden of Congenital Rubella Syndrome: Report of the World Health Organization Steering Committee on Research Related to
☉ 11274272:Risk Factors for Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and the Natural History of HCV Infection Acquired in Infancy
☉ 11274273:Significant Sexbut Not Elective Cesarean SectionEffect on Mother-to-Child Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus Infection
☉ 11274274:The Influence of HIV Infection on Clinical Presentation, Response to Treatment, and Outcome in Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis
☉ 11274275:Histological Findings and Clinical Characteristics Associated with Hepatic Steatosis in Patients Coinfected with HIV and Hepatitis C Virus
☉ 11274276:Early Virologic Nonresponse to Tenofovir, Abacavir, and Lamivudine in HIV-Infected Antiretroviral-Naive Subjects
☉ 11274277:Prevalence, Incidence, Natural History, and Response to Treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis Infection among Adolescent Women
☉ 11274278:Trichomoniasis in Adolescents: A Marker for the Lack of a Public Health Response to the Epidemic of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Uni
☉ 11274279:When Can We Stop Using Oral Poliovirus Vaccine
☉ 11274280:Randomized Controlled Trial of an Adjuvanted Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Type 6 L2E7 Vaccine: Infection of External Anogenital Warts with Mul
☉ 11274281:Effect of Different Vaccination Schedules on Excretion of Oral Poliovirus Vaccine Strains
☉ 11274282:《大学英语》精读课在分科教学中的作用及其教学方法探讨
☉ 11274283:“自主式”教学方式对实验课教学效果影响的调查
☉ 11274284:Poliovirus Vaccine Shedding among Persons with HIV in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
☉ 11274285:1例患多种疾病患者行乳突根治术前后的护理
☉ 11274286:139例急性白血病患者的心理调查分析及护理对策
☉ 11274287:120例高血压病患者心电图、动态心电图、超声心动图对比分析
☉ 11274288:23例多系统萎缩的临床与影像学分析
☉ 11274289:23例合并甲亢性心脏病的甲状腺功能亢进患者的围手术期治疗
☉ 11274290:21例脑动脉硬化症患者心理护理体会
☉ 11274291:35例小儿手部深度烧伤围术期护理体会
☉ 11274292:28例肺结核咯血患者的心理护理体会
☉ 11274293:30例小儿颈部巨大淋巴囊肿手术的麻醉处理
☉ 11274294:42例脑梗死患者治疗前后的甲襞微循环检测分析
☉ 11274295:49例隐睾的超声诊断
☉ 11274296:4 例不典型甲状腺功能亢进症误诊分析
☉ 11274297:CT或MRI定位监测下反复穿刺抽吸治疗脑脓肿41例
☉ 11274298:5 261例损伤和中毒病例统计分析
☉ 11274299:60例脑肿瘤术后放射治疗患者的护理体会
☉ 11274300:EB病毒IgA/VCA和IgA/EA检测对鼻咽癌诊断价值的分析

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