☉ 11273001:The Met852 Residue Is a Key Organizer of the Ligand-Binding Cavity of the Human Mineralocorticoid Receptor
☉ 11273002:Potentiation of P2Y Receptors by Physiological Elevations of Extracellular K+ via a Mechanism Independent of Ca2+ Influx
☉ 11273003:96株酵母样菌的分离鉴定及药敏试验结果分析
☉ 11273004:Constitutive Activation and Environmental Chemical Induction of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor/Transcription Factor in Activated Human B Lymp
☉ 11273005:Identification and Characterization of a Functional TATA Box Polymorphism of the UDP Glucuronosyltransferase 1A7 Gene
☉ 11273006:The Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP/ABCG2) Affects Pharmacokinetics, Hepatobiliary Excretion, and Milk Secretion of the Antibiotic Ni
☉ 11273007:The Aminosteroid Phospholipase C Antagonist U-73122 (1-[6-[[17--3-Methoxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-yl]amino]hexyl]-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione) Pote
☉ 11273008:A Natural CYP2B6 TATA Box Polymorphism (eC82T C) Leading to Enhanced Transcription and Relocation of the Transcriptional Start Site
☉ 11273009:1985~2005年新疆医科大学学生肺结核病调查分析
☉ 11273010:Sex-Dependent Expression and Activity of the ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP/ABCG2) in Liver
☉ 11273011:Phenylglycine and Sulfonamide Correctors of Defective F508 and G551D Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Chloride-Channel Ga
☉ 11273012:Developmental Regulation of -Carboline-Induced Inhibition of Glycine-Evoked Responses Depends on Glycine Receptor Subunit Expression
☉ 11273013:Aspects of Dioxin Toxicity Are Mediated by Interleukin 1-Like Cytokines
☉ 11273014:The Effect of Hydroxylamine on KATP Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle and Underlying Mechanisms
☉ 11273015:Expression of the Retinoic Acid-Metabolizing Enzyme CYP26A1 Limits Programmed Cell Death
☉ 11273016:Mechanism of the Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Thiazolidinediones: Relationship with the Glucocorticoid Pathway
☉ 11273017:AGL提取物总黄酮的部分药效学研究
☉ 11273018:CT动态观察环池变化对治疗脑挫裂伤并发颅内血肿的评价
☉ 11273019:Adenosine A2A Receptor Stimulation Increases Angiogenesis by Down-Regulating Production of the Antiangiogenic Matrix Protein Thrombospondin
☉ 11273020:U937 Cell Necrosis Mediated by Peroxynitrite Is Not Caused by Depletion of ATP and Is Prevented by Arachidonate via an ATP-Dependent Mechani
☉ 11273021:Vogt小柳原田综合征的眼底荧光血管造影表现
☉ 11273022:TINI形状记忆合金治疗特殊形状部位骨折98例临床观察
☉ 11273023:The Repertoire of G-ProteineCCoupled Receptors in Fully Sequenced Genomes
☉ 11273024:不同异丙酚复合用药在人工流产术中的应用比较
☉ 11273025:不同年龄段维吾尔族人群糖脂代谢比较
☉ 11273026:电视胸腔镜手术218例临床应用分析
☉ 11273027:灯盏细辛治疗肺心病失代偿期疗效观察
☉ 11273028:胆道镜引导下肝包虫术后残腔胆瘘处理37例临床分析
☉ 11273029:大面积脑梗塞64例临床分析
☉ 11273030:肝细胞癌合并肝硬化脾功能亢进患者行肝脾联合切除术的临床意义
☉ 11273031:干扰素治疗流行性腮腺炎72例疗效观察
☉ 11273032:肺栓塞2例诊治报告
☉ 11273033:关联理论指导下的大学英语阅读理解教学
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☉ 11273035:颈椎病X线诊断特点分析
☉ 11273036:介入治疗中晚期肝癌61例临床分析
☉ 11273037:急性白血病早期死亡相关因素的Logistic回归分析
☉ 11273038:雷贝拉唑治疗胃食管反流性疾病疗效观察
☉ 11273039:老年人上消化道出血101例临床分析
☉ 11273040:静脉注射右旋糖酐氢氧化铁治疗肾性贫血疗效观察
☉ 11273041:民族考生与汉族考生《诊断学》考试成绩分析
☉ 11273042:慢性异体肾移植病人肾纤维化组织中MMP2、TIMP1、Vimentin、Keratin免疫组化定量分析
☉ 11273043:洛赛克、西沙必利联合治疗胃食管反流病
☉ 11273044:浅谈《眼科学》多媒体教学中存在的问题与对策
☉ 11273045:凭借中西医合校优势积极发展中医民族医高等教育
☉ 11273046:诺和锐30治疗2型糖尿病的疗效观察
☉ 11273047:The Neurotransmitter Noradrenaline Rescues Septal Cholinergic Neurons in Culture from Degeneration Caused by Low-Level Oxidative Stress
☉ 11273048:浅析《儿科学》临床教学改革
☉ 11273049:浅谈高等医学院校科研成果鉴定材料的撰写技能
☉ 11273050:双黄连治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎90例疗效观察

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