☉ 11331501:门诊注射室工作艺术
☉ 11331502:献血时献血者不良反应的原因及预防与护理
☉ 11331503:Expanding the immunotherapeutic potential of minor histocompatibility antigens
☉ 11331504:Flushing out the role of GPR109A (HM74A) in the clinical efficacy of nicotinic acid
☉ 11331505:Desperately seeking sugar: glial cells as hypoglycemia sensors
☉ 11331506:颅内血肿微创清除术的护理体会
☉ 11331507:New ways in which GLP-1 can regulate glucose homeostasis
☉ 11331508:Hemolysis-associated endothelial dysfunction mediated by accelerated NO inactivation by decompartmentalized oxyhemoglobin
☉ 11331509:Identification of thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1) as a novel mediator of cell injury in kidney ischemia
☉ 11331510:Identification of autoantibody clusters that best predict lupus disease activity using glomerular proteome arrays
☉ 11331511:Complete FcRn dependence for intravenous Ig therapy in autoimmune skin blistering diseases
☉ 11331512:医用消毒包装纸与棉布包装无菌效果观察
☉ 11331513:开书型骨盆骨折1例报告
☉ 11331514:大骨窗减压术治疗大面积脑栓塞致脑疝2例临床体会
☉ 11331515:心电图对非急性期冠脉三支病变的诊断价值
☉ 11331516:青霉素钠治疗急性痛风性关节炎疗效分析
☉ 11331517:非甾体药物的临床应用现状及抗癌作用
☉ 11331518:New ways in which GLP-1 can regulate glucose homeostasis
☉ 11331519:抗菌药物注射剂临床使用的调查分析
☉ 11331520:温度对金标试纸检测HBsAg的影响
☉ 11331521:尿NAG、GAL检测对肾脏早期损伤的诊断意义
☉ 11331522:十全大补汤加味治疗阴吹1例报告
☉ 11331523:苦参素加中药治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎转氨酶反复升高50例
☉ 11331524:炙甘草汤治疗心律失常31例
☉ 11331525:中医对中风症的临床疗效观察
☉ 11331526:针灸治愈颈椎病同时治愈斑秃5例报告
☉ 11331527:当归补血汤治疗原发性肾病综合征疗效观察
☉ 11331528:In this issue
☉ 11331529:Is ghrelin a signal for the development of metabolic systems?
☉ 11331530:Minding the gaps to promote thrombus growth and stability
☉ 11331531:桂枝在张仲景临证中的运用
☉ 11331532:Platelets in inflammation and atherogenesis
☉ 11331533:Platelet genomics and proteomics in human health and disease
☉ 11331534:Structure and function of the platelet integrin IIb?3
☉ 11331535:Thrombus formation in vivo
☉ 11331536:浅谈祛风法在皮肤科的应用
☉ 11331537:The biogenesis of platelets from megakaryocyte proplatelets
☉ 11331538:The molecular mechanisms that control thrombopoiesis
☉ 11331539:Megakaryocyte biology and related disorders
☉ 11331540:上呼吸道感染1124例中医辨证分型的分析
☉ 11331541:Did dinosaurs have megakaryocytes? New ideas about platelets and their progenitors
☉ 11331542:Pathogenesis of osteoporosis: concepts, conflicts, and prospects
☉ 11331543:The L-type calcium channel in the heart: the beat goes on
☉ 11331544:Murderous medicine:
☉ 11331545:川芎嗪注射液治疗早期糖尿病肾病疗效观察
☉ 11331546:Fatal sequence:
☉ 11331547:Taking the direct route to make open access even easier
☉ 11331548:Hopkins scientist tunes in to treat tuberculosis
☉ 11331549:中西医结合治疗急性胆囊炎100例体会
☉ 11331550:灯盏细辛治疗脑梗死的疗效观察

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