☉ 11354351:黄芪加川芎嗪治疗冠心病心绞痛33例疗效观察
☉ 11354352:基层献血者梅毒感染率分析对血站采血的意义
☉ 11354353:新入校大学生对乙肝相关知识健康教育效果评估
☉ 11354354:利用PCR反应检测肾结核病人尿标本结核菌的探讨
☉ 11354355:如何做好血液采集时静脉穿刺
☉ 11354356:肉桂酸的制备实验装置改进
☉ 11354357:HPLC法测定利心丸中丹皮酚的含量
☉ 11354358:20%甘露醇在手术前的应用
☉ 11354359:新诊2型糖尿病胰岛素强化治疗的临床评价
☉ 11354360:超声对腹腔镜胆囊切除术的指导研究
☉ 11354361:早期复极综合征的心电图变化特点及鉴别
☉ 11354362:某高校在校医学生AIDS相关KAB现况研究
☉ 11354363:人参皂甙单体Rh2对K562细胞增殖和凋亡作用的实验研究
☉ 11354364:单纯性肥胖飞行人员膳食减重的研究
☉ 11354365:双酚A对雄性小鼠睾丸酶活性的影响
☉ 11354366:Chronic shoulder pain:Observations on the role of the potator cuff and the tendon of long head of biceps brachii
☉ 11354367:Trandolapril reduced insulin consumption of nondiabetic hypertensive critically ill patients
☉ 11354368:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354369:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354370:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354371:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354372:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354373:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354374:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354375:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354376:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354377:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354378:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354379:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354380:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354381:Learning from low income countries: what are the lessons?
☉ 11354382:Family friendly care
☉ 11354383:Kangaroo Mother Care, an example to follow from developing countries
☉ 11354384:The power of positive deviance
☉ 11354385:the devil is in the detail
☉ 11354386:Learning from failed health reform in Uganda
☉ 11354387:The pros and cons of essential medicines for rich countries
☉ 11354388:The concept of essential medicines: lessons for rich countries
☉ 11354389:Reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in the poorest communities
☉ 11354390:Innovative low cost technologies for biomedical research and diagnosis in developing countries
☉ 11354391:Expanding antiretroviral therapy in Malawi: drawing on the country's experience with tuberculosis
☉ 11354392:Learning from low income countries: mental health
☉ 11354393:Traditional herbal medicines for malaria
☉ 11354394:An information system and medical record to support HIV treatment in rural Haiti
☉ 11354395:Reducing length of stay in hospital for very low birthweight infants by involving mothers in a stepdown unit: an experience from Karachi (Pa
☉ 11354396:Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV: evaluation of a pilot programme in a district hospital in rural Zimbabwe
☉ 11354397:Community models of mental care warrant more governmental support
☉ 11354398:Iranian national thalassaemia screening programme
☉ 11354399:Crotaline snake bite in the Ecuadorian Amazon: randomised double blind comparative trial of three South American polyspecific antivenoms
☉ 11354400:Babies fed defective formula are still being treated for neurological damage

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