☉ 11366801:加强护理管理 避免护患纠纷
☉ 11366802:当前军队医院医疗投诉和纠纷反映的主要问题、原因及防范策略
☉ 11366803:加强营销管理 让民营医院获得持续发展
☉ 11366804:ChimerDB—a knowledgebase for fusion sequences
☉ 11366805:DDBJ in preparation for overview of research activities behind data su
☉ 11366806:The Molecular Biology Database Collection: 2006 update
☉ 11366807:The imprinted gene and parent-of-origin effect database now includes p
☉ 11366808:护理纠纷的原因及防范对策
☉ 11366809:HUMHOT: a database of human meiotic recombination hot spots
☉ 11366810:北京市建设系统农民工SARS防控政策分析——SARS警戒期、流行前期及流行期政策分析
☉ 11366811:EDITORIAL
☉ 11366812:ISfinder: the reference centre for bacterial insertion sequences
☉ 11366813:医院文化建设的实践初探
☉ 11366814:社区卫生服务中心业务人员健康教育知识水平调查
☉ 11366815:浅析单病种限价收费
☉ 11366816:浅谈如何构建医院网络系统
☉ 11366817:论商业信誉理论在医院管理中的运用
☉ 11366818:HOLLYWOOD: a comparative relational database of alternative splicing
☉ 11366819:ASD: a bioinformatics resource on alternative splicing
☉ 11366820:Transterm—extended search facilities and improved integration with oth
☉ 11366821:cisRED: a database system for genome-scale computational discovery of
☉ 11366822:网络环境下如何加强医院收、退费管理
☉ 11366823:ABS: a database of Annotated regulatory Binding Sites from orthologous
☉ 11366824:MPromDb: an integrated resource for annotation and visualization of ma
☉ 11366825:A new generation of JASPAR, the open-access repository for transcripti
☉ 11366826:浅谈医院信息系统的日常维护及网络安全问题
☉ 11366827:浅议在计算机网络环境下的财务管理
☉ 11366828:TRANSFAC? and its module TRANSCompel?: transcriptional gene regulation
☉ 11366829:TiProD: the Tissue-specific Promoter Database
☉ 11366830:DBD: a transcription factor prediction database
☉ 11366831:GRSDB: a database of quadruplex forming G-rich sequences in alternativ
☉ 11366832:Argonaute—a database for gene regulation by mammalian microRNAs
☉ 11366833:ARED 3.0: the large and diverse AU-rich transcriptome
☉ 11366834:MeRNA: a database of metal ion binding sites in RNA structures
☉ 11366835:IRESite: the database of experimentally verified IRES structures (www.
☉ 11366836:加强医院档案管理工作的对策
☉ 11366837:miRBase: microRNA sequences, targets and gene nomenclature
☉ 11366838:浅谈提高医院档案管理水平的措施
☉ 11366839:miRNAMap: genomic maps of microRNA genes and their target genes in mam
☉ 11366840:MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways
☉ 11366841:规范和监控抗菌药物在医院临床中的使用
☉ 11366842:科主任及护士长在科级成本核算中的作用
☉ 11366843:医院收费环节存在的问题与对策
☉ 11366844:护理预案的制订与应用
☉ 11366845:军区总医院开展研究生教育中的问题与对策
☉ 11366846:浅谈急诊外科的特点及工作方法
☉ 11366847:DBTSS: DataBase of Human Transcription Start Sites, progress report 20
☉ 11366848:HTPSELEX—a database of high-throughput SELEX libraries for transcripti
☉ 11366849:EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database: developments in 2005
☉ 11366850:EPD in its twentieth year: towards complete promoter coverage of selec

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