☉ 11168101:温经止痛汤治疗痛经60例临床观察
☉ 11168102:Pax3 and Pax7 have distinct and overlapping functi
☉ 11168103:中药熏洗配合针刺治疗周围性面神经麻痹64例
☉ 11168104:愈 咳 汤 治 疗 顽 固 性 咳 嗽 76 例
☉ 11168105:CIB1 is an endogenous inhibitor of agonist-induced
☉ 11168106:Coordination between the actin cytoskeleton and me
☉ 11168107:慢 性 咳 嗽 从 瘀 论 治
☉ 11168108:积 乳 症 的 病 因 分 析
☉ 11168109:Structural transitions in the synaptic SNARE compl
☉ 11168110:应用络病理论辨治乳腺增生症4法
☉ 11168111:小剂量人重组促红细胞生成素穴位注射并中药治愈难治性慢性再生障碍性贫血1例
☉ 11168112:Receptor palmitoylation and ubiquitination regulat
☉ 11168113:论王清任活血化瘀系列方剂的学术特点
☉ 11168114:An intramolecular t-SNARE complex functions in viv
☉ 11168115:完带汤加减治疗非炎性带下病60例
☉ 11168116:Structural transitions in the synaptic SNARE compl
☉ 11168117:柴胡疏肝散合平胃散加减治疗慢性胃炎疗效观察
☉ 11168118:桃红四物汤加减治疗骨质增生症63例
☉ 11168119:茯苓四逆汤为主治疗难治性雷诺综合征1例
☉ 11168120:Coregulated human globin genes are frequently in s
☉ 11168121:香砂六君汤合清开灵治疗慢性胃炎40例疗效观察
☉ 11168122:Activation-dependent substrate recruitment by the
☉ 11168123:Telomere tethering at the nuclear periphery is ess
☉ 11168124:逍遥散加减治疗脂肪肝64例
☉ 11168125:The Png1–Rad23 complex regulates glycoprotein turn
☉ 11168126:The brain-specific double-stranded RNA-binding pro
☉ 11168127:中西医结合治疗顽固性呃逆1例
☉ 11168128:Stat3 regulates microtubules by antagonizing the d
☉ 11168129:Follistatin induction by nitric oxide through cycl
☉ 11168130:中西医结合治疗重症急性胰腺炎22例
☉ 11168131:Salamander limb regeneration involves the activati
☉ 11168132:Checkpoint control of mitotic exit—do budding yeas
☉ 11168133:Focal adhesion size controls tension-dependent rec
☉ 11168134:Evolution of a neuroprotective function of central
☉ 11168135:Localized recruitment and activation of RhoA under
☉ 11168136:Neuronal cotransport of glycine receptor and the s
☉ 11168137:KIF14 and citron kinase act together to promote ef
☉ 11168138:Asynchronous nuclear division cycles in multinucle
☉ 11168139:Disappearance of the budding yeast Bub2–Bfa1 compl
☉ 11168140:Adaptation and increased susceptibility to infecti
☉ 11168141:Derlin-2 and Derlin-3 are regulated by the mammali
☉ 11168142:In vivo BiFC analysis of Y14 and NXF1 mRNA export
☉ 11168143:Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Is Required for Bone
☉ 11168144:P21-activated kinase 1: convergence point in PDGF-
☉ 11168145:AP-2: a regulator of EGF receptor signaling and pr
☉ 11168146:Evidence against the Hypothesis that Endothelial E
☉ 11168147:Inhibition of Human Type I Gonadotropin-Releasing
☉ 11168148:Ectoderm-Targeted Overexpression of the Glucocorti
☉ 11168149:11?-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 in Rat Leydig C
☉ 11168150:The Liver X Receptor-? Is Essential for Maintainin

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