☉ 11275201:Contribution to comprehension of image formation in confocal microscopy of cornea with Rostock cornea module
☉ 11275202:An experimental study on the effect of encircling band procedure on silicone oil emulsification
☉ 11275203:Compliance: clear communication’s critical
☉ 11275204:Bevacizumab suppresses choroidal neovascularisation caused by pathological myopia
☉ 11275205:Topical ciclosporin in the treatment of ocular surface disorders
☉ 11275206:Corneal epithelial defects related to high postoperative astigmatism
☉ 11275207:Tetracycline induced green conjunctival pigment deposits
☉ 11275208:Safety of phacoemulsification in a patient with an implanted deep brain neurostimulation device
☉ 11275209:Management of phaeniciatic ophthalmomyiasis externa
☉ 11275210:Xanthogranulomatous disease in the lacrimal gland
☉ 11275211:Non-tuberculous mycobacteria related infectious crystalline keratopathy
☉ 11275212:The legal requirement for driving in the United Kingdom is met following pupil dilatation
☉ 11275213:Vitreous haemorrhage associated with Gingko biloba use in a patient with age related macular disease
☉ 11275214:Retinal haemorrhages in a young patient with homocysteinuria
☉ 11275215:Complex I respiratory defect in LHON plus dystonia with no mitochondrial DNA mutation
☉ 11275216:Hydrated scleral buckle: a late complication of MAI explants
☉ 11275217:Temperature sensitive oculocutaneous albinism associated with missense changes in the tyrosinase gene
☉ 11275218:Internet based ophthalmology service: impact assessment
☉ 11275219:Cigarette pack warning: it can send you blind!
☉ 11275220:Intraoperative visual experiences of cataract patients can be both pleasant and unpleasant
☉ 11275221:Choroidal neovascularisation associated with meningioma
☉ 11275222:From the Library
☉ 11275223:Glaucoma. 3rd ed.
☉ 11275224:Immunology of the lacrimal gland, tear film and ocular surface
☉ 11275225:慢性胰腺炎致区域性门脉高压症
☉ 11275226:恶性血管外皮瘤1例
☉ 11275227:胆囊癌致类白血病反应1例
☉ 11275228:纵隔胰腺组织异位1例
☉ 11275229:双侧睾丸不同病理分型肿瘤1例
☉ 11275230:疝无张力修补术后瘘管形成1例
☉ 11275231:高原颅脑损伤并脑疝的救治体会(附3例报告)
☉ 11275232:小儿盆腔横纹肌肉瘤1例
☉ 11275233:阑尾切除术后大肠癌9例分析
☉ 11275234:股骨头置换术后全髋关节翻修术19例体会
☉ 11275235:肝外伤63例手术治疗体会
☉ 11275236:胸腔引流瓶的观察体会
☉ 11275237:外科洗胃术的改进
☉ 11275238:同期施行良性前列腺增生手术与腹股沟疝无张力修补术22例报告
☉ 11275239:脑室-腹腔分流术的并发症及处理方法
☉ 11275240:Othofix单臂外固定架结合腓骨内固定治疗严重粉碎性Pilon骨折
☉ 11275241:应用带蒂颊肌黏膜瓣修复唇裂术后红唇不足临床观察
☉ 11275242:非手术治疗小儿足内外翻50例
☉ 11275243:采用腹膜外入路对低位直肠癌侧方淋巴结清扫(附10例报告)
☉ 11275244:颈部淋巴结结核28例手术治疗体会
☉ 11275245:肋骨钻孔肠线绕肋缝合关胸术临床体会
☉ 11275246:局封加小针刀治疗第三腰椎横突综合征
☉ 11275247:急腹症近期再手术14例分析
☉ 11275248:手部岛状皮瓣在手损伤缺损中的应用
☉ 11275249:神经内镜辅助锁孔手术治疗高血压脑出血
☉ 11275250:慢性硬膜下血肿治疗及其复发的临床体会

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