☉ 11330851:B cells: no longer bystanders in liver fibrosis
☉ 11330852:Cathepsin L is essential for onset of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice
☉ 11330853:Arsenic trioxide inhibits nuclear receptor function via SEK1/JNK-mediated RXR phosphorylation
☉ 11330854:抗高脂血症方药实验研究概述
☉ 11330855:Activating and inhibitory IgG Fc receptors on human DCs mediate opposing functions
☉ 11330856:COX-2 与皮肤鳞状细胞癌的研究进展
☉ 11330857:TCR stimulation with modified anti-CD3 mAb expands CD8+ T cell population and induces CD8+CD25+ Tregs
☉ 11330858:Renal-associated TLR2 mediates ischemia/reperfusion injury in the kidney
☉ 11330859:中西医结合综合治疗方案对肺心病急性发作期的临床疗效观察
☉ 11330860:Frequency of beryllium-specific, central memory CD4+ T cells in blood determines proliferative response
☉ 11330861:Apoptosis modulates protective immunity to the pathogenic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum
☉ 11330862:中西医结合治疗慢性结肠炎98例
☉ 11330863:Hepatic expression of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is a positive regulator of macrophage reverse cholesterol transport in vivo
☉ 11330864:Apoa5 Q139X truncation predisposes to late-onset hyperchylomicronemia due to lipoprotein lipase impairment
☉ 11330865:镇江市现调机制饮料的卫生学状况调查及其改进措施
☉ 11330866:Staphylococcal lipoteichoic acid inhibits delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions via the platelet-activating factor receptor
☉ 11330867:Polyunsaturated fatty acids suppress glycolytic and lipogenic genes through the inhibition of ChREBP nuclear protein translocation
☉ 11330868:MMP13 mutation causes spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Missouri type (SEMDMO)
☉ 11330869:An interstitial deletion-insertion involving chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-linked recessive hypoparathyroidism
☉ 11330870:社区人群高血压病8种危险因素调查分析及预防对策
☉ 11330871:Reversal of experimental pulmonary hypertension by PDGF inhibition
☉ 11330872:Human 1 type IV collagen NC1 domain exhibits distinct antiangiogenic activity mediated by 11 integrin
☉ 11330873:The potential role of amyloid in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration
☉ 11330874:医院管理者如何应对新形势的变化和需求
☉ 11330875:A molecular chaperone for mitochondrial complex I assembly is mutated in a progressive encephalopathy
☉ 11330876:A role for docosahexaenoic acid–derived neuroprotectin D1 in neural cell survival and Alzheimer disease
☉ 11330877:Deficits in amygdaloid cAMP-responsive element–binding protein signaling play a role in genetic predisposition to anxiety and alcoholism
☉ 11330878:新形势下医院药学的发展
☉ 11330879:Shigatoxin triggers thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in genetically susceptible ADAMTS13-deficient mice
☉ 11330880:FHL2 inhibits the activated osteoclast in a TRAF6-dependent manner
☉ 11330881:IL-6 induces regionally selective spinal cord injury in patients with the neuroinflammatory disorder transverse myelitis
☉ 11330882:新时期做好护理部助理员之我见
☉ 11330883:Atrial natriuretic peptide promotes cardiomyocyte survival by cGMP-dependent nuclear accumulation of zyxin and Akt
☉ 11330884:浅淡综合性基层医院中领导体制与人才管理
☉ 11330885:门诊开设药品咨询服务窗口提高合理用药水平
☉ 11330886:Epithelial myosin light chain kinase–dependent barrier dysfunction mediates T cell activation–induced diarrhea in vivo
☉ 11330887:Shifting gears: liver SR-BI drives reverse cholesterol transport in macrophages
☉ 11330888:彩超对肝血管瘤的诊断与临床价值
☉ 11330889:The anxious amygdala: CREB signaling and predisposition to anxiety and alcoholism
☉ 11330890:Give me A5 for lipoprotein hydrolysis!
☉ 11330891:B超及彩色多普勒超声对甲状腺癌的诊断分析
☉ 11330892:PDGF signaling in pulmonary arterial hypertension
☉ 11330893:Mining yeast in silico unearths a golden nugget for mitochondrial biology
☉ 11330894:希美钠(甘氨双唑钠)Ⅰ期临床研究
☉ 11330895:Autophagy in cell death: an innocent convict
☉ 11330896:Reawakening the cellular death program in neoplasia through the therapeutic blockade of IAP function
☉ 11330897:Caspases: pharmacological manipulation of cell death
☉ 11330898:Endoplasmic reticulum stress: cell life and death decisions
☉ 11330899:老年人用药安全须知
☉ 11330900:Pharmacological manipulation of Bcl-2 family members to control cell death

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