☉ 11331601:肌松药不能松弛纤维化腹壁肌1例
☉ 11331602:核酸对老年银屑病的康复疗效观察(附9例分析)
☉ 11331603:复杂性肾结石肾实质切开取石术不同术式探讨
☉ 11331604:激光治疗外阴尖锐湿疣67例体会
☉ 11331605:预防性健康体检值得商榷的几个问题
☉ 11331606:瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚静脉麻醉在脊柱手术中的临床观察
☉ 11331607:淄博市学校卫生工作综述
☉ 11331608:一起因游泳引起儿童突发性群体发热暴发的调查
☉ 11331609:深圳市横岗2000~2004年麻疹流行病学调查
☉ 11331610:玉溪市突发公共卫生事件应急处置现状及对策
☉ 11331611:米索前列醇在终止中期妊娠时子宫穿孔2例
☉ 11331612:我国公立医院入世后的变化趋势分析与对策探讨
☉ 11331613:Pendulum矫治器结合口外弓后推上磨牙的临床效果
☉ 11331614:一起小学生食物中毒调查报告
☉ 11331615:保守治疗异位妊娠112例分析
☉ 11331616:中药桑黄抗肿瘤作用及对机体免疫功能的影响初探
☉ 11331617:容量超负荷对大鼠心肌肥大和血压的影响
☉ 11331618:三亚地区中小学生营养状况调查分析
☉ 11331619:三亚市小学生龋齿患病情况
☉ 11331620:精神分裂症患者血清肌酸激酶的检测分析
☉ 11331621:脑蛋白水解物治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病63例分析
☉ 11331622:容量超负荷对大鼠心肌肥大和血压的影响
☉ 11331623:河源市市区健康人群乙型肝炎病毒感染情况分析
☉ 11331624:海南省健康教育人力资源分析与对策
☉ 11331625:健康教育传播方式在SARS防制中的应用研究
☉ 11331626:东营市东城区托幼机构消毒监测分析
☉ 11331627:氟乙酰胺食物中毒样品的检测与确证
☉ 11331628:海南省2004年食物中毒发生情况分析
☉ 11331629:2004年三亚市商品盐和居民食用盐含碘量监测分析
☉ 11331630:2004年邹城市中小型饮食行业餐具消毒效果调查
☉ 11331631:采用社区参与式制作疟疾健康教育互动式录像片(In English)
☉ 11331632:2002~2003年广西学校突发公共卫生事件流行病学分析
☉ 11331633:婴儿原发性肝癌1例报告
☉ 11331634:新药心脑通胶囊治疗冠心病的临床效果研究
☉ 11331635:慢迁肝方治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床观察
☉ 11331636:益气活血法治疗缺血性中风的探讨
☉ 11331637:M line–deficient titin causes cardiac lethality through impaired maturation of the sarcomere
☉ 11331638:Neisseria meningitidis infection of human endothelial cells interferes with leukocyte transmigration by preventing the formation of endothel
☉ 11331639:The clathrin adaptor complex 1 directly binds to a sorting signal in Ste13p to reduce the rate of its trafficking to the late endosome of ye
☉ 11331640:Semaphorin 4D/Plexin-B1–mediated R-Ras GAP activity inhibits cell migration by regulating 1 integrin activity
☉ 11331641:Paxillin phosphorylation at Ser273 localizes a GIT1–PIX–PAK complex and regulates adhesion and protrusion dynamics
☉ 11331642:Optimization of WAVE2 complex–induced actin polymerization by membrane-bound IRSp53, PIP3, and Rac
☉ 11331643:Axonal transport of mitochondria requires milton to recruit kinesin heavy chain and is light chain independent
☉ 11331644:Distinct p53 acetylation cassettes differentially influence gene-expression patterns and cell fate
☉ 11331645:The origin and maintenance of mammalian peroxisomes involves a de novo PEX16-dependent pathway from the ER
☉ 11331646:NDC1: a crucial membrane-integral nucleoporin of metazoan nuclear pore complexes
☉ 11331647:Structural damage to meiotic chromosomes impairs DNA recombination and checkpoint control in mammalian oocytes
☉ 11331648:Mouse SYCP2 is required for synaptonemal complex assembly and chromosomal synapsis during male meiosis
☉ 11331649:Nuclear pore complex assembly and maintenance in POM121- and gp210-deficient cells
☉ 11331650:Direct membrane protein–DNA interactions required early in nuclear envelope assembly

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