☉ 10582651:自制可弯曲管导管经鼻腔插管体会
☉ 10582652:自制银质包皮套扎环行包皮套扎术400例
☉ 10582653:老年性股骨骨折整体康复护理32例
☉ 10582654:体重10kg以下先天性心脏病患儿术后特点及护理
☉ 10582655:直肠癌保肛手术后吻合口瘘的护理体会
☉ 10582656:Madigan前列腺切除术 附68例报告
☉ 10582657:TVP术并发电切综合征的防治
☉ 10582658:不同浓度左旋布比卡因伍用芬太尼用于硬膜外分娩镇痛的临床观察
☉ 10582659:胆道手术后胆漏的原因分析和治疗体会 附21例报告
☉ 10582660:甲硝唑在继发性腹膜炎中的应用
☉ 10582661:酷似脊索瘤的颅骨纤维结构不良症2例临床分析
☉ 10582662:老年急性胆囊炎的外科治疗
☉ 10582663:去带盲升结肠可控性膀胱术5例临床分析
☉ 10582664:ACE inhibition increases expression of the ETB receptor in kidneys of mice with unilateral obstruction
☉ 10582665:Altered expression of major renal Na transporters in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction
☉ 10582666:Angiotensin II stimulates basolateral K channels in rat cortical collecting ducts
☉ 10582667:碳酸利多卡因用于高位硬膜外阻滞的观察
☉ 10582668:cDNA array identification of genes regulated in rat renal medulla in response to vasopressin infusion
☉ 10582669:糖尿病足截肢的围手术期治疗
☉ 10582670:严重腹部闭合伤患者术后并发应激性溃疡治疗分析
☉ 10582671:Characterization of PMCA isoforms and their contribution to transcellular Ca2+ flux in MDCK cells
☉ 10582672:AO张力带治疗完全性肩锁关节脱位
☉ 10582673:Lichtenstein修补术治疗腹股沟疝的应用价值研究
☉ 10582674:Correction of age-related polyuria by dDAVP molecular analysis of aquaporins and urea transporters
☉ 10582675:胆囊癌组织MMP-1 MMP-9 TIMP-2的表达与MVD的关系
☉ 10582676:电刺激修复兔桡骨缺损的实验研究
☉ 10582677:急性肠系膜上动脉栓塞17例临床分析
☉ 10582678:榄香烯抑制神经胶质瘤细胞增殖的体外研究
☉ 10582679:手部软组织损伤早期整形美容的急诊修复
☉ 10582680:外伤性急性脑肿胀的诊断和治疗对策
☉ 10582681:胃癌及癌旁组织中CyclinD1、CDK4表达及意义
☉ 10582682:Distribution of cytochrome P-450 4A and 4F isoforms along the nephron in mice
☉ 10582683:胰腺癌血浆VEGF的表达及临床意义
☉ 10582684:Epidermal growth factor inhibits amiloride-sensitive sodium absorption in renal collecting duct cells
☉ 10582685:椎弓根钉后路复位固定治疗胸腰椎骨折脱位
☉ 10582686:Epithelial sodium channel activity in detergent-resistant membrane microdomains
☉ 10582687:Expression of the Na+-HCO cotransporter NBC4 in rat kidney and characterization of a novel NBC4 variant
☉ 10582688:Inner medullary lactate production and urine-concentrating mechanism: a flat medullary model
☉ 10582689:Localization of pendrin in mouse kidney
☉ 10582690:Neutralization of Western diet inhibits bone resorption independently of K intake and reduces cortisol secretion in humans
☉ 10582691:巨大小肠平滑肌瘤诱发肠套叠1例误诊分析
☉ 10582692:亚急性甲状腺炎6例误诊分析
☉ 10582693:雄激素非依赖性前列腺癌的研究进展
☉ 10582694:自发性细菌性腹膜炎
☉ 10582695:Intrathecal Gadolinium-enhanced MR Cisternography in the Evaluation of Clinically Suspected Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea in Humans: Early Experience
☉ 10582696:Lung Volume Reduction Surgery for Emphysema: Correlation of CT and V/Q Imaging with Physiologic Mechanisms of Improvement in Lung Function1
☉ 10582697:Minimal Duration of Oral Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition to Prevent Constrictive Arterial Remodeling after Balloon Dilation in the Pig1
☉ 10582698:MR Imaging in Acute Stroke: Diffusion-weighted and Perfusion Imaging Parameters for Predicting Infarct Size1
☉ 10582699:Hunting (auto)immune T cells in neuroimmunological diseases
☉ 10582700:Ictal SPECT in children with epilepsy: comparison with intracranial EEG and relation to postsurgical outcome

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