☉ 10571851:Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis of Water and Anion Contents in Interaction With Nitrogen Availability in Arabidopsis thaliana
☉ 10571852:RecFOR Function Is Required for DNA Repair and Recombination in a RecA Loading-Deficient recB Mutant of Escherichia coli
☉ 10571853:Response to Amar J. Klar: The Chromosome 1;11 Translocation Provides the Best Evidence Supporting Genetic Etiology for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Affec
☉ 10571854:立位性房性心律失常1例
☉ 10571855:前列腺原发性恶性黑色素瘤1例
☉ 10571856:植入性胎盘伴完全性子宫内翻1例分析
☉ 10571857:几种皮肤美白剂功效的比较
☉ 10571858:带有白细胞滤器的全血采集耗材去除白细胞效果的研究
☉ 10571859:菌尿对尿液分析仪测定尿红细胞的影响探讨
☉ 10571860:健康教育对防治手足口病在院内感染中的应用
☉ 10571861:胺碘酮对心力衰竭合并心律失常疗效评价
☉ 10571862:保留尿道的耻骨后前列腺摘除术的临床应用
☉ 10571863:单臂式外固定器加有限内固定治疗胫腓骨骨折
☉ 10571864:电子阴道镜在临床中的应用体会
☉ 10571865:高压氧治疗脊髓创伤21例临床疗效分析
☉ 10571866:吉妮、Mcu、Tcu380A宫内节育器避孕效果的临床观察
☉ 10571867:介绍一种自制腔镜手术器械固定巾
☉ 10571868:老年人低钠血症14例治疗与分析
☉ 10571869:纳洛酮在脑外伤昏迷病人中的应用
☉ 10571870:全胃切除改良Xous-en-y吻合术8例
☉ 10571871:湿润烧伤膏治疗肛肠病电刀术后伤口283例
☉ 10571872:输液不良反应中热原反应的诊治及预防
☉ 10571873:糖尿病患者皮肤溃疡的临床观察及治疗
☉ 10571874:糖尿病足诊治体会
☉ 10571875:Regulation of the apical ClHCO exchanger pendrin in rat cortical collecting duct in metabolic acidosis
☉ 10571876:Sp1 and Sp3 transcription factors synergistically regulate HGF receptor gene expression in kidney
☉ 10571877:应用Vitapex充填后牙根管的疗效观察
☉ 10571878:Substrate-dependent regulation of MAO-A in rat mesangial cells: involvement of dopamine D2-like receptors
☉ 10571879:应用霉酚酸酯治疗狼疮肾炎临床疗效观察
☉ 10571880:重症脑卒中合并多脏器功能衰竭18例抢救及康复治疗体会
☉ 10571881:前列腺素E 1 治疗冠心病心绞痛46例临床观察
☉ 10571882:Transfection of CYP4A1 cDNA increases vascular reactivity in renal interlobar arteries
☉ 10571883:Upregulation of Na+ transporter abundances in response to chronic thiazide or loop diuretic treatment in rats
☉ 10571884:注射 针刀 手法松解在治疗肩周炎中的应用
☉ 10571885:Urinary tract infection in iNOS-deficient mice with focus on bacterial sensitivity to nitric oxide
☉ 10571886:Urinary tumor necrosis factor contributes to sodium retention and renal hypertrophy during diabetes
☉ 10571887:2型糖尿病酮症酸中毒合并口腔感染及糖尿病肾病1例护理体会
☉ 10571888:长期卧床老年痴呆患者的生活护理
☉ 10571889:儿童支气管哮喘28例的护理
☉ 10571890:腹腔镜鞘膜内子宫切除术136例的手术配合
☉ 10571891:A3 adenosine receptor knockout mice are protected against ischemia- and myoglobinuria-induced renal failure
☉ 10571892:肝硬化腹水患者的整体护理1例
☉ 10571893:Angiotensin II and renal medullary blood flow in Lyon rats
☉ 10571894:股动脉支架置入术后鞘管内血栓形成1例护理报告
☉ 10571895:冠状动脉造影术的配合与护理
☉ 10571896:口服药物治疗的临床护理
☉ 10571897:Bradykinin reduces growth factor-induced glomerular ERK1 2 phosphorylation
☉ 10571898:Carbonic anhydrase XII mRNA encodes a hydratase that is differentially expressed along the rabbit nephron
☉ 10571899:Chronic renal hypoxia after acute ischemic injury: effects of L-arginine on hypoxia and secondary damage
☉ 10571900:浅谈洁净手术室的管理方法

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