☉ 11175751:CCR6 regulates CD4+ T-cell–mediated acute graft-ve
☉ 11175752:The role of endothelial PI3K activity in neutrophi
☉ 11175753:Cytotoxic minor histocompatibility antigen HA-1–sp
☉ 11175754:多肿瘤标志物蛋白芯片检测系统在临床中的诊断价值
☉ 11175755:The cancer-testis antigens CT7 (MAGe-C1) and MAGe-
☉ 11175756:不同量甲醛对小鼠心脑组织SOD活性和MDA含量的影响
☉ 11175757:A potential role for hydrocortisone in the positiv
☉ 11175758:Lack of antigen-specific tissue remodeling in mice
☉ 11175759:东阳市健康人群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗体水平和带菌调查
☉ 11175760:IFN-–mediated negative feedback regulation of NKT-
☉ 11175761:Balance between NF-B and JNK/AP-1 activity control
☉ 11175762:乳腺疾病普查及防治措施的探讨
☉ 11175763:Treatment of hairy cell leukemia with 2-chlorodeox
☉ 11175764:SUMO-1 conjugation selectively modulates STAT1-med
☉ 11175765:In vitro and in vivo activity of ATP-based kinase
☉ 11175766:Use of glycosylated recombinant human G-CSF (lenog
☉ 11175767:Azidothymidine inhibits NF-B and induces epstein-B
☉ 11175768:高压输电线路电磁辐射分布、流行病调查及其对人生理指标的影响
☉ 11175769:Aberrant mitochondrial iron distribution and matur
☉ 11175770:AML-associated Flt3 kinase domain mutations show s
☉ 11175771:Meis1 programs transcription of FLT3 and cancer st
☉ 11175772:乳腺癌患者RASSF1A基因启动子区甲基化及临床意义
☉ 11175773:NUP98-HOXD13 transgenic mice develop a highly pene
☉ 11175774:HOXA genes are included in genetic and biologic ne
☉ 11175775:三种手术方法治疗三叉神经痛的临床回顾
☉ 11175776:菏泽市艾滋病病毒感染者生存现状的研究
☉ 11175777:ICAM-1 on exosomes from mature dendritic cells is
☉ 11175778:新型增殖性腺病毒治疗肝癌的实验研究
☉ 11175779:Cyclin D dysregulation: an early and unifying path
☉ 11175780:胃黏膜上皮异型增生与早期胃癌关系的临床病理研究
☉ 11175781:Arsenic suppresses gene expression in promyelocyti
☉ 11175782:CD8–11b+ dendritic cells but not CD8+ dendritic ce
☉ 11175783:液基超薄细胞制片在非妇科细胞检查方面的应用研究
☉ 11175784:T-cell generation by lymph node resident progenito
☉ 11175785:Superiority of thalidomide and dexamethasone over
☉ 11175786:早期乳腺癌的诊断和钼靶摄影的应用
☉ 11175787:孕中期妇女血清标志物测定筛查唐氏综合征
☉ 11175788:Heat shock protein 90 inhibition sensitizes acute
☉ 11175789:甲基对硫磷和毒死蜱对中肋骨条藻的联合毒性效应
☉ 11175790:Constitutively activated FGFR3 mutants signal thro
☉ 11175791:左心衰竭右室压力训练动物实验的病理学观察
☉ 11175792:Immunohistochemistry accurately predicts FGFR3 abe
☉ 11175793:喹诺酮类药物配伍的相互作用
☉ 11175794:The MLL partial tandem duplication: evidence for r
☉ 11175795:DC-NK cell cross talk as a novel CD4+ T-cell–indep
☉ 11175796:2型糖尿病死因分析及用药合理性探讨
☉ 11175797:Hematologic abnormalities in Shwachman Diamond syn
☉ 11175798:甲状腺功能亢进症10例误诊分析
☉ 11175799:产妇第一产程中应用安定的观察体会
☉ 11175800:B型超声诊断胎儿先天性输尿管起始部囊状扩张1例

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