☉ 11293901:Complete differentiation of CD8+ T cells activated locally within the transplanted liver
☉ 11293902:Proteinase-activated receptor 2 modulates neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis
☉ 11293903:T-independent type II immune responses generate memory B cells
☉ 11293904:维吾尔族青年足弓的X线解剖特征及其意义
☉ 11293905:Thymic stromal lymphopoietin: master switch for allergic inflammation
☉ 11293906:Regulation of peripheral T cell activation by calreticulin
☉ 11293907:Impaired response to Listeria in H2-M3–deficient mice reveals a nonredundant role of MHC class Ib–specific T cells in host defense
☉ 11293908:ATM regulates ATR chromatin loading in response to DNA double-strand breaks
☉ 11293909:Killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 binds three members of the classical cadherin family to inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity
☉ 11293910:Essential role of the T cell–specific adapter protein in the activation of LCK in peripheral T cells
☉ 11293911:Human antibodies induce arthritis in mice deficient in the low-affinity inhibitory IgG receptor FcRIIB
☉ 11293912:Cortistatin, a new antiinflammatory peptide with therapeutic effect on lethal endotoxemia
☉ 11293913:TLR9/MyD88 signaling is required for class switching to pathogenic IgG2a and 2b autoantibodies in SLE
☉ 11293914:The primary defect in experimental ileitis originates from a nonhematopoietic source
☉ 11293915:In vivo sites and cellular mechanisms of T reg cell–mediated suppression
☉ 11293916:Antigen targeting to dendritic cells elicits long-lived T cell help for antibody responses
☉ 11293917:Immature monocytes acquire antigens from other cells in the bone marrow and present them to T cells after maturing in the periphery
☉ 11293918:IL-7 promotes T cell proliferation through destabilization of p27Kip1
☉ 11293919:A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition
☉ 11293920:In vivo role of ER-associated peptidase activity in tailoring peptides for presentation by MHC class Ia and class Ib molecules
☉ 11293921:Intensified and protective CD4+ T cell immunity in mice with anti–dendritic cell HIV gag fusion antibody vaccine
☉ 11293922:Roles for HLA and KIR polymorphisms in natural killer cell repertoire selection and modulation of effector function
☉ 11293923:Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d–-galactosylceramide–specific T cell receptors
☉ 11293924:Are hemostasis and thrombosis two sides of the same coin
☉ 11293925:The polymerase complex genes contribute to the high virulence of the human H5N1 influenza virus isolate A/Vietnam/1203/04
☉ 11293926:T-bet regulates Th1 responses through essential effects on GATA-3 function rather than on IFNG gene acetylation and transcription
☉ 11293927:Loss of the proapoptotic protein, Bim, breaks B cell anergy
☉ 11293928:Orphan nuclear receptor TR3/Nur77 regulates VEGF-A–induced angiogenesis through its transcriptional activity
☉ 11293929:A polymorphism in the EAAT2 promoter is associated with higher glutamate concentrations and higher frequency of progressing stroke
☉ 11293930:Pathology and protection in nephrotoxic nephritis is determined by selective engagement of specific Fc receptors
☉ 11293931:Infected site-restricted Foxp3+ natural regulatory T cells are specific for microbial antigens
☉ 11293932:Systemic antithrombotic effects of ADAMTS13
☉ 11293933:Immune responses and HIV: a little order from the chaos
☉ 11293934:Mesenteric lymph nodes at the center of immune anatomy
☉ 11293935:Antibody isotype-specific engagement of Fc receptors regulates B lymphocyte depletion during CD20 immunotherapy
☉ 11293936:Lineage specification and plasticity in CD19– early B cell precursors
☉ 11293937:医疗设备招标采购系统的研究与应用
☉ 11293938:Steroid naive eosinophilic asthma: anti-inflammatory effects of fluticasone and montelukast
☉ 11293939:西部军队小医院实施综合考评提高医疗质量管理的探索
☉ 11293940:加强军队医院科室管理工作的着力点
☉ 11293941:浅谈如何做好医院财务管理工作
☉ 11293942:科主任与护士长应具备的领导素质
☉ 11293943:强化素养教育 构建人性化护理服务品牌
☉ 11293944:对医院全面预算管理有关问题的探讨
☉ 11293945:在事业单位中试行全额工资浮动制的实践
☉ 11293946:浅谈医院预算管理
☉ 11293947:应对网络文化对医院思想政治工作的挑战
☉ 11293948:流程化进阶管理模式在医院作业成本核算中的应用
☉ 11293949:谈目标责任书中综合效益项目的考评改进——综合指标评估体系在医院综合效益考评中的应用
☉ 11293950:浅谈心理卫生工作实践中的问题与建议

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