☉ 11306151:微波热凝术治疗变应性鼻炎的方法与护理
☉ 11306152:微创经皮肾取石术治疗复杂肾结石的手术护理
☉ 11306153:手术室护士工作压力与身心健康现状探讨
☉ 11306154:糖尿病患者抑郁的患病率和危险因素调查
☉ 11306155:浅谈护患交往中的沟通技巧
☉ 11306156:社会心理支持对初产妇产后抑郁症的影响
☉ 11306157:气压疗法治疗血管瘤血管畸形伴发血小板减少综合征的观察及护理
☉ 11306158:钠络酮治疗急性乙醇中毒患者的护理
☉ 11306159:护理记录书写缺陷与应对策略
☉ 11306160:慢性肝衰竭患者早期实施肠内营养的护理研究
☉ 11306161:计算机在门诊化验单管理中的探讨
☉ 11306162:护理干预对改善慢性阻塞性肺疾病雾化吸入不良反应的影响
☉ 11306163:高血压患者健康教育的难点分析及护理对策
☉ 11306164:高压氧治疗1080例患者的护理体会
☉ 11306165:肺癌患者术后应用G5振动排痰机的护理体会
☉ 11306166:儿童支原体肺炎的护理
☉ 11306167:PLF方案持续静脉滴注治疗大肠癌的疗效与护理
☉ 11306168:产后出血的防治与护理
☉ 11306169:重型颅脑损伤手术的护理
☉ 11306170:Correlation of long term phenotypic and clinical outcomes following limbal epithelial transplantation cultivated on amniotic membrane in rab
☉ 11306171:Use of preoperative assessment of positionally induced cyclotorsion: a video-oculographic study
☉ 11306172:Systemic CD4+ T cell phenotype and activation status in intermediate uveitis
☉ 11306173:Ocular haemodynamic responses to induced hypercapnia and hyperoxia in glaucoma
☉ 11306174:T lymphocyte mediated lysis of mitomycin C treated Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts
☉ 11306175:Epithelial cell characteristics of cultured human limbal explants
☉ 11306176:Clinical characteristics of conjunctivochalasis with or without aqueous tear deficiency
☉ 11306177:Anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB autoantibodies in the tear fluid of patients with Sj?gren’s syndrome
☉ 11306178:Human preocular mucins reflect changes in surface physiology
☉ 11306179:Late onset post-keratoplasty astigmatism in patients with keratoconus
☉ 11306180:Causes of visual impairment in people aged 75 years and older in Britain: an add-on study to the MRC Trial of Assessment and Management of O
☉ 11306181:Functional results and complications of Mersilene mesh use for frontalis suspension ptosis surgery
☉ 11306182:Small margin excision of periocular basal cell carcinoma: 5 year results
☉ 11306183:手术室医疗废物管理缺陷及对策
☉ 11306184:Bloom syndrome: multiple retinopathies in a chromosome breakage disorder
☉ 11306185:Reproducibility of circadian retinal and optic nerve head blood flow measurements by Heidelberg retina flowmetry
☉ 11306186:护理干预对老年冠心病患者抑郁情绪变化的影响
☉ 11306187:Intravitreal triamcinolone with photodynamic therapy for subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation in age related macular degeneration
☉ 11306188:1例PICC导管过敏引起的静脉炎的护理
☉ 11306189:中文机读目录中“200”字段的编目探讨
☉ 11306190:浅谈高校图书馆与公共图书馆的共建共享
☉ 11306191:医学专科生网络成瘾对心理健康、学习和生活的影响
☉ 11306192:高校人力资源的柔性化管理
☉ 11306193:培养高等中医护理创新人才的思考
☉ 11306194:Long term outcome of secondary glaucoma following vitreoretinal surgery
☉ 11306195:Randomised double masked trial comparing the efficacy and tolerance of 0.05% mequitazine eye drops versus 0.05% levocabastine and placebo in
☉ 11306196:Patient preferences for anaesthesia management during cataract surgery
☉ 11306197:What patients want to know before they have cataract surgery
☉ 11306198:The effects of corneal parameters on the assessment of endothelial cell density in the elderly eye
☉ 11306199:Blue light special in a red light district
☉ 11306200:Visual outcomes in children in Malawi following retinopathy of severe malaria

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