☉ 11366751:Reproduction of chest pain by palpation: diagnostic accuracy in suspec
☉ 11366752:Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports: cluster rand
☉ 11366753:Atypical antipsychotic drugs and risk of ischaemic stroke: population
☉ 11366754:Effectiveness of lactam antibiotics compared with antibiotics active
☉ 11366755:Nausea and vomiting due to insulin glargine in patient with type 1 dia
☉ 11366756:Inequity of use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in England:
☉ 11366757:Adolescents in primary care
☉ 11366758:Recent developments in pain in dementia
☉ 11366759:A step forward in the everyday management of adults with community acq
☉ 11366760:ethical review and ethical behaviour
☉ 11366761:Research ethics committees deserve support
☉ 11366762:patients may be less risk averse than committees
☉ 11366763:Ethics, audit, and research: all shades of grey
☉ 11366764:Learning from low income countries
☉ 11366765:Learning from low income countries
☉ 11366766:My six day experience in the Middle East
☉ 11366767:Learning from low income countries
☉ 11366768:Learning from low income countries
☉ 11366769:Learning from low income countries
☉ 11366770:More on compulsory registration of clinical trials
☉ 11366771:More on compulsory registration of clinical trials
☉ 11366772:Learning from low income countries
☉ 11366773:Childhood deafness poses problems in developing countries
☉ 11366774:Pulmonary rehabilitation and readmissions in COPD
☉ 11366775:Pulmonary rehabilitation and readmissions in COPD
☉ 11366776:手术室管理
☉ 11366777:浅谈医院开展医德医风教育的方法与体会
☉ 11366778:Branding treatment of children in rural India should be banned
☉ 11366779:强化导师管理 提高研究生后期培养质量
☉ 11366780:积极主动打开市场 打造优秀人才队伍
☉ 11366781:对医疗卫生体制改革的思考及建议
☉ 11366782:医院药品采购内部控制的设计与运行
☉ 11366783:医院档案管理中的问题与对策
☉ 11366784:住院医师在规范化培训中所需的意识形态
☉ 11366785:濮阳市医院Ⅱ类环境空气消毒现状与管理
☉ 11366786:军队医院护理人力资源现状调查与分析
☉ 11366787:医院局域网的安全探讨
☉ 11366788:勇于创新,大胆思考——论二级医院转型
☉ 11366789:论医疗过失的判断标准
☉ 11366790:比较分析西藏自治区拉萨市、那曲镇和比如县的药品集中招标采购工作
☉ 11366791:如何做好基层疾控中心的成本核算及费用控制管理
☉ 11366792:医疗机构成本核算存在的问题及对策
☉ 11366793:对我国医疗事故技术鉴定制度的几点思考
☉ 11366794:建立病人导向的医院网络信息服务系统
☉ 11366795:医院内审对医院基本建设项目的监督
☉ 11366796:实行人才派遣的实践与构想
☉ 11366797:论医院全面预算管理
☉ 11366798:浅谈民营医院发展的后动力
☉ 11366799:正视差距,抢抓机遇 努力推动军区医院跨越式发展
☉ 11366800:关于加强和改进医院思想政治工作的思考

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