☉ 11294251:Effects of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition on exhaled eicosanoids in patients with COPD
☉ 11294252:DHS内固定治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折
☉ 11294253:Hypoxaemia enhances peripheral muscle oxidative stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
☉ 11294254:PFN内固定治疗股骨粗隆间骨折
☉ 11294255:髓内高分化骨肉瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断
☉ 11294256:分叉式髓内钉在肱骨干骨折中的应用
☉ 11294257:闭合复位带锁髓内钉固定治疗胫腓骨骨折
☉ 11294258:Implications of reversibility testing on prevalence and risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a community study
☉ 11294259:Pepsin like activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is suggestive of gastric aspiration in lung allografts
☉ 11294260:分叉式髓内钉在肱骨干骨折中的应用
☉ 11294261:Phenotype of airway epithelial cells suggests epithelial to mesenchymal cell transition in clinically stable lung transplant recipients
☉ 11294262:骨囊肿并病理性骨折的治疗方法比较
☉ 11294263:Emerging clinical picture of lymphangioleiomyomatosis
☉ 11294264:Randomised crossover study of pressure and volume non-invasive ventilation in chest wall deformity
☉ 11294265:CPAP suppression of awake right-to-left shunting through patent foramen ovale in a patient with obstructive sleep apnoea
☉ 11294266:后路减压侧块螺钉钢板固定治疗颈椎管狭窄症
☉ 11294267:Association of birth weight with adult lung function: findings from the British Women’s Heart and Health Study and a meta-analysis
☉ 11294268:踝关节骨折脱位治疗方法探讨
☉ 11294269:Microvascular hyperpermeability in COPD airways
☉ 11294270:浮膝合并动脉损伤的手术治疗
☉ 11294271:肩胛骨外生骨疣1例报告
☉ 11294272:A clinic service offering isoniazid preventive therapy to HIV infected adults reduces the incidence of tuberculosis
☉ 11294273:Assessing the validity of genetic association studies
☉ 11294274:经皮椎体成形术治疗胸腰椎压缩性骨折
☉ 11294275:Rapid disease progression is an important cause of death in IPF
☉ 11294276:The renin-angiotensin system: a potential therapeutic target in ARDS?
☉ 11294277:镍钛-聚髌器在治疗髌骨骨折中的新体会
☉ 11294278:Lung stem cells as a possible origin of cancer
☉ 11294279:前路病灶清除植骨内固定治疗胸椎结核14例
☉ 11294280:微创动力髋螺钉治疗高龄股骨粗隆间骨折
☉ 11294281:Airwaves
☉ 11294282:腰腿痛患者误诊病例分析
☉ 11294283:Wheeze, asthma diagnosis and medication use in developing countries
☉ 11294284:桡侧副血管蒂肱骨远端骨膜瓣的临床应用
☉ 11294285:Exercise training and inspiratory muscle training in patients with bronchiectasis
☉ 11294286:微创治疗不稳定性前臂双骨折76例体会
☉ 11294287:Exercise in COPD: damned if you do and damned if you don’t
☉ 11294288:FergusonⅡ型脊髓型颈椎病的手术治疗1
☉ 11294289:外侧微创切口全髋关节置换术
☉ 11294290:Usefulness of transbronchial needle aspiration in evaluating patients with lung cancer
☉ 11294291:Relation between bronchial responsiveness to inhaled leukotriene D4 and markers of leukotriene biosynthesis
☉ 11294292:Wheeze, asthma diagnosis and medication use: a national adult survey in a developing country
☉ 11294293:Orphan lung diseases in childhood: still unadopted?
☉ 11294294:Deaths certified as asthma and use of medical services: a national case-control study
☉ 11294295:开放性胫腓骨骨折治疗回顾
☉ 11294296:桡骨远端塌陷粉碎性骨折疗效观察
☉ 11294297:髋臼三维记忆内固定系统治疗髋臼骨折
☉ 11294298:Indoor exposures and respiratory symptoms in a Norwegian community sample
☉ 11294299:可吸收张力带在骨折中的临床应用
☉ 11294300:Severe acute exacerbations and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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