☉ 11293551:急性酒精中毒对健康成人脑电图影响的临床观察
☉ 11293552:急性脑梗死患者颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的研究
☉ 11293553:开腹阑尾切除的术中问题及对策
☉ 11293554:系统性红斑狼疮合并自身免疫性溶血的临床观察
☉ 11293555:消化道出血的介入治疗
☉ 11293556:肝硬化腹水并发自发性细菌性腹膜炎的临床分析
☉ 11293557:简易棉垫治疗无神经症状的胸腰椎椎体骨折(附49例报告)
☉ 11293558:食管、贲门癌术后并发症防治措施
☉ 11293559:圆规刺伤咬肌区致下颌骨中央性骨髓炎1例
☉ 11293560:急腹症3例误诊而引发的思考
☉ 11293561:疏血通治疗慢性肺心病的疗效观察
☉ 11293562:亚急性甲状腺炎误诊2例
☉ 11293563:结核性脑膜炎1例
☉ 11293564:蜂蜜中毒致急性肾功能衰竭、肝损害死亡3例
☉ 11293565:怎样才能具备优秀法医的基本素质
☉ 11293566:止咳丸引发室性早搏1例
☉ 11293567:尿激酶致过敏性休克1例
☉ 11293568:胸腺肽与异烟肼混合输液致急性毒性反应1例
☉ 11293569:胸部肿瘤患者术后的护理体会
☉ 11293570:改进鼻饲方法预防呼吸机相关性肺炎的护理探讨
☉ 11293571:PICC导管与前臂静脉留置针在白血病静脉化疗中的应用比较
☉ 11293572:个体化应用息隐联合米索前列醇终止早中期妊娠的效果观察与护理
☉ 11293573:浅析医疗纠纷的防范
☉ 11293574:浅议医院经营分析
☉ 11293575:婴儿糖尿病酮症酸中毒1例的护理体会
☉ 11293576:松果体瘤术后并发症1例的护理
☉ 11293577:Blocking IL-1 in systemic inflammation
☉ 11293578:Differential requirements for the chemokine receptor CCR7 in T cell activation during Listeria monocytogenes infection
☉ 11293579:浅析加强医院物资管理的重要性
☉ 11293580:Role of interleukin-1 (IL-1) in the pathogenesis of systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis and clinical response to IL-1 blockade
☉ 11293581:Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
☉ 11293582:The 3' end of the heavy chain constant region locus enhances germline transcription and switch recombination of the four genes
☉ 11293583:Density of the Notch ligand Delta1 determines generation of B and T cell precursors from hematopoietic stem cells
☉ 11293584:Transplantation of a multipotent cell population from human adipose tissue induces dystrophin expression in the immunocompetent mdx mouse
☉ 11293585:Sustained expansion of NKT cells and antigen-specific T cells after injection of -galactosyl-ceramide loaded mature dendritic cells in cance
☉ 11293586:PU.1 regulates the commitment of adult hematopoietic progenitors and restricts granulopoiesis
☉ 11293587:Antigenic conservation and immunogenicity of the HIV coreceptor binding site
☉ 11293588:Identification of proteoglycans as the APRIL-specific binding partners
☉ 11293589:T cell lineage choice and differentiation in the absence of the RNase III enzyme Dicer
☉ 11293590:Decay-accelerating factor modulates induction of T cell immunity
☉ 11293591:Fibrinogen and fibronectin binding cooperate for valve infection and invasion in Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis
☉ 11293592:A type I interferon autocrine–paracrine loop is involved in Toll-like receptor-induced interleukin-12p70 secretion by dendritic cells
☉ 11293593:1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294
☉ 11293594:Impaired early B cell tolerance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
☉ 11293595:TGF-–dependent CD103 expression by CD8+ T cells promotes selective destruction of the host intestinal epithelium during graft-versus-host di
☉ 11293596:Available carbon source influences the resistance of Neisseria meningitidis against complement
☉ 11293597:The macrophage F4/80 receptor is required for the induction of antigen-specific efferent regulatory T cells in peripheral tolerance
☉ 11293598:IB kinase (IKK), but not IKK, is a critical mediator of osteoclast survival and is required for inflammation-induced bone loss
☉ 11293599:Induction of vascular leakage through release of bradykinin and a novel kinin by cysteine proteinases from Staphylococcus aureus
☉ 11293600:Recruitment of latent pools of high-avidity CD8+ T cells to the antitumor immune response

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