☉ 11331451:金属烤瓷桩核桩冠修复失败23例临床分析
☉ 11331452:6例变应性真菌性鼻窦炎临床分析
☉ 11331453:上眼睑抽脂术致泪腺囊肿1例
☉ 11331454:卡介菌多糖核酸治疗68例面部皮炎
☉ 11331455:参附注射液治疗30例老年冠心病合并低血压
☉ 11331456:急性特发性血小板减少性紫癜与人细小病毒B19感染的关系
☉ 11331457:平贝母挥发油化学成分分析
☉ 11331458:26例婴儿泪囊炎的治疗与护理
☉ 11331459:3-噻吩甲氧基乙酸-2-二烷氨基乙酯盐酸盐的合成及对小鼠学习记忆能力的影响
☉ 11331460:158例经口鼻内镜下腺样体刮除术患者的护理体会
☉ 11331461:花芦胶囊对小鼠血液中乙醇质量浓度的降低作用
☉ 11331462:门诊性病患者的心理护理
☉ 11331463:老鹳草提取物对消炎痛型及利血平型胃溃疡小鼠溃疡指数的影响
☉ 11331464:293例肺癌病人的护理
☉ 11331465:黄芪多糖及人参总皂苷对衰老小鼠的抗衰老作用
☉ 11331466:昆布提取物对糖尿病大鼠谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性及丙二醛含量的影响
☉ 11331467:癌症患者心理分析及护理
☉ 11331468:决明子乙醇提取物对大鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用
☉ 11331469:急性脊髓炎护理体会
☉ 11331470:梗阻性黄疸大鼠肠黏膜血液动力学改变对门静脉内毒素含量的影响
☉ 11331471:卵巢肿瘤合并糖尿病患者围术期护理
☉ 11331472:棒曲霉菌中抗真菌肽的分离与纯化
☉ 11331473:电鳐乙酰胆碱受体诱导转基因小鼠重症肌无力的机制
☉ 11331474:护理管理中领导影响力理论的应用
☉ 11331475:浅议临床就诊中的换位思考
☉ 11331476:“举证责任倒置”促进手术室消毒管理规范化
☉ 11331477:发展中医必须突破的“瓶颈”
☉ 11331478:孕产死亡56例原因分析
☉ 11331479:北京首钢社区人群心血管病防治研究
☉ 11331480:Enhancement of vaccine-mediated antitumor immunity in cancer patients after depletion of regulatory T cells
☉ 11331481:GPR109A (PUMA-G/HM74A) mediates nicotinic acid–induced flushing
☉ 11331482:Identification of human urinary trefoil factor 1 as a novel calcium oxalate crystal growth inhibitor
☉ 11331483:Cross-reactive influenza virus–specific CD8+ T cells contribute to lymphoproliferation in Epstein-Barr virus–associated infectious mononucle
☉ 11331484:Pertussis toxin inhibits neutrophil recruitment to delay antibody-mediated clearance of Bordetella pertussis
☉ 11331485:Reduced mitochondrial density and increased IRS-1 serine phosphorylation in muscle of insulin-resistant offspring of type 2 diabetic parents
☉ 11331486:Low-dose leptin reverses skeletal muscle, autonomic, and neuroendocrine adaptations to maintenance of reduced weight
☉ 11331487:Mice lacking ghrelin receptors resist the development of diet-induced obesity
☉ 11331488:The mitochondrial origin of postischemic arrhythmias
☉ 11331489:Regulation of glucagon secretion by glucose transporter type 2 (glut2) and astrocyte-dependent glucose sensors
☉ 11331490:Brain glucagon-like peptide–1 increases insulin secretion and muscle insulin resistance to favor hepatic glycogen storage
☉ 11331491:CD4+ T cell–independent DNA vaccination against opportunistic infections
☉ 11331492:Absence of ghrelin protects against early-onset obesity
☉ 11331493:长桥街道406名初一学生心理健康状况调查与分析
☉ 11331494:A frameshift polymorphism in P2X5 elicits an allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte response associated with remission of chronic myeloid leukemi
☉ 11331495:Timp3 deficiency in insulin receptor–haploinsufficient mice promotes diabetes and vascular inflammation via increased TNF-
☉ 11331496:Complete rescue of obesity, diabetes, and infertility in db/db mice by neuron-specific LEPR-B transgenes
☉ 11331497:Preferential migration of effector CD8+ T cells into the interstitium of the normal lung
☉ 11331498:Role of CCR5 in IFN-–induced and cigarette smoke–induced emphysema
☉ 11331499:M-CSF mediates TNF-induced inflammatory osteolysis
☉ 11331500:急性高原肺水肿患者的护理要点

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页面最后生成日期:2007-1-3 21:26:08