☉ 10582601:腹脏突出症2例报告
☉ 10582602:肾移植术后急性结核播散2例报告
☉ 10582603:T1 Stage Breast Cancer: Adjuvant Hypofractionated Conformal Radiation Therapy to Tumor Bed in Selected Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients桺ilot Fea
☉ 10582604:胃癌穿孔修补后近期行根治术2例报告
☉ 10582605:Testicular Volume: Comparison of Orchidometer and US Measurements in Dogs1
☉ 10582606:The Angiographic String Sign1
☉ 10582607:一氧化碳中毒致手足内在肌阳性征2例
☉ 10582608:卷袖法 松解难复性肠套叠
☉ 10582609:一期三吻合术 治疗胰头癌梗阻性黄疸
☉ 10582610:The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: History, Status, and Potential Impact1
☉ 10582611:Retrospective and Prospective Electrocardiography-assisted Multi–Detector Row CT1
☉ 10582612:TURP术后尿道外口狭窄 附11例报告
☉ 10582613:斑秃药物注射治疗24例报告
☉ 10582614:保留废弃眼球巩膜行前颅窝修补术
☉ 10582615:闭合穿钉微创法治疗股骨颈骨折
☉ 10582616:US for Detecting Renal Calculi with Nonenhanced CT as a Reference Standard1
☉ 10582617:Administration of a CT Division1
☉ 10582618:小议五苓散
☉ 10582619:Assessment of Knee Cartilage in Cadavers with Dual-Detector Spiral CT Arthrography and MR Imaging1
☉ 10582620:Carotid Disease: Automated Analysis with Cardiac-gated Three-dimensional US桾echnique and Preliminary Results1
☉ 10582621:Case 43: Filariasis1
☉ 10582622:Case 471
☉ 10582623:Changes in Brain Water Diffusion during the 1st Year of Life: Finally Starting to Understand Age- and Brain Tissue–related Normative Data1
☉ 10582624:Comparison of Electron-Beam and Ungated Helical CT in Detecting Coronary Arterial Calcification by Using a Working Heart Phantom and Artificial Corona
☉ 10582625:Computerized Detection of Colonic Polyps at CT Colonography on the Basis of Volumetric Features: Pilot Study1
☉ 10582626:Concordance of Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Assessments and Management Recommendations in Screening Mammography1
☉ 10582627:Contrast-enhanced US of the Prostate with Sonazoid: Comparison with Whole-Mount Prostatectomy Specimens in 12 Patients1
☉ 10582628:Cost Analysis of Adjunct Hypnosis with Sedation during Outpatient Interventional Radiologic Procedures1
☉ 10582629:Diagnosis of Recurrent Meniscal Tears: Prospective Evaluation of Conventional MR Imaging, Indirect MR Arthrography, and Direct MR Arthrography1
☉ 10582630:Double-Contrast Barium Enema Examination and Colorectal Cancer: A Plea For Radiologic Screening1
☉ 10582631:胆囊息肉100例的标本观察及治疗体会
☉ 10582632:电视胸腔镜治疗自发性气胸18例报告
☉ 10582633:Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Mycotic Aneurysms1
☉ 10582634:Grid and Slot Scan Scatter Reduction in Mammography: Comparison by Using Monte Carlo Techniques1
☉ 10582635:腹部手术切口脂肪液化的防治体会
☉ 10582636:记忆合金加压骑缝钉在康复矫形术中应用初探
☉ 10582637:Helical CT with CT Angiography in Assessing Periampullary Neoplasms: Identification of Vascular Invasion1
☉ 10582638:Inhalational Anthrax after Bioterrorism Exposure: Spectrum of Imaging Findings in Two Surviving Patients1
☉ 10582639:结肠癌并发急性肠梗阻16例临床分析
☉ 10582640:经腹腔修补术治疗小儿复发性腹股沟斜疝
☉ 10582641:精索静脉曲张手术的2种治疗方法比较 附123例临床报告
☉ 10582642:老年急性重症胆管炎诊治体会
☉ 10582643:皮内缝合小切口阑尾切除术65例体会
☉ 10582644:脾动脉瘤的诊治 附2例报告
☉ 10582645:抢救食管 贲门癌术后体位性低血压的体会
☉ 10582646:食管癌性穿孔的诊治特木热
☉ 10582647:锁骨下静脉穿刺在血液透析中的应用体会
☉ 10582648:微型腹腔镜下小儿腹股沟斜疝高位结扎术应用体会
☉ 10582649:显微外科技术重建动静脉内瘘的临床体会
☉ 10582650:医源性留置气囊导尿管意外46例报告

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