☉ 11371001:Duplication processes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae haploid strains
☉ 11371002:A coarse graining approach to determine nucleic acid structures from s
☉ 11371003:Structure–function analysis of yeast RNA debranching enzyme (Dbr1), a
☉ 11371004:Silencing of retrotransposons in Dictyostelium by DNA methylation and
☉ 11371005:T:G mismatch-specific thymine-DNA glycosylase (TDG) as a coregulator o
☉ 11371006:DNA damage and replication stress induced transcription of RNR genes i
☉ 11371007:Shared RNA-binding sites for interacting members of the Drosophila ELA
☉ 11371008:Pyrimido-purin-10(3H)-one, M1G, is less prone to artifact than base ox
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☉ 11371010:End invasion of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) with mixed-base compositi
☉ 11371011:Genome dynamics and diversity of Shigella species, the etiologic agent
☉ 11371012:Crystal structure and RNA binding of the Rpb4/Rpb7 subunits of human R
☉ 11371013:Two-photon fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy as a potential
☉ 11371014:Human AP endonuclease suppresses DNA mismatch repair activity leading
☉ 11371015:A colorimetric method for point mutation detection using high-fidelity
☉ 11371016:A method to find tissue-specific novel sites of selective adenosine de
☉ 11371017:Position of the fluorescent label is a crucial factor determining sign
☉ 11371018:In vitro non-viral gene delivery with nanofibrous scaffolds
☉ 11371019:A new generation of vectors with increased induction ratios by overimp
☉ 11371020:Parameters determining the efficiency of gene targeting in the moss Ph
☉ 11371021:Protocols for the assurance of microarray data quality and process con
☉ 11371022:An analysis of the feasibility of short read sequencing
☉ 11371023:规范服务流程 保证整体护理质量
☉ 11371024:防范护理纠纷之我见
☉ 11371025:浅谈护士管理中的赏识教育
☉ 11371026:临床带教问题探讨
☉ 11371027:优化晨间护理流程 提高病区护理质量
☉ 11371028:如何指导护生在儿科实习工作
☉ 11371029:培养护生的沟通技巧
☉ 11371030:针对脂肪肝患者认知误区实施健康教育
☉ 11371031:开展社区健康教育的可行性探讨
☉ 11371032:腹主动脉瘤患者的健康教育
☉ 11371033:痛风患者健康宣教
☉ 11371034:支气管哮喘社区护理干预及家庭护理
☉ 11371035:颈椎病的辨证施护
☉ 11371036:浅谈无痛性结膜下注射的心理护理及操作技巧
☉ 11371037:疼痛的心理护理
☉ 11371038:表扬艺术在儿科心理护理中的应用
☉ 11371039:微量注射泵注射存在的问题与护理对策
☉ 11371040:经尿道前列腺电切术后膀胱痉挛的心理支持
☉ 11371041:静脉留置针在急诊的应用及护理
☉ 11371042:儿童饮食的误区及矫正方法
☉ 11371043:静脉留置针常见并发症预防及护理
☉ 11371044:1例异烟肼超声雾化吸入致谵妄的护理
☉ 11371045:小儿头皮静脉穿刺成功技巧
☉ 11371046:女性老年患者胆囊手术后拔除保留导尿管时机的探讨
☉ 11371047:从老年人的满意度看养老院的设施配备
☉ 11371048:1例尿毒症伴发精神障碍的护理体会
☉ 11371049:浅谈脑出血的护理体会
☉ 11371050:谈“星级护士”的评选

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