☉ 11254751:星形细胞瘤外科治疗现状
☉ 11254752:急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎鼻胆管引流疗效观察
☉ 11254753:脑外伤合并伤的抢救与治疗
☉ 11254754:Mouse Intestine Selects Nonmotile flhDC Mutants of Escherichia coli MG1655 with Increased Colonizing Ability and Better Utilization of Carbo
☉ 11254755:Attenuation of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium by Altering Biological Functions of Murein Lipoprotein and Lipopolysaccharide
☉ 11254756:Azurin of Pathogenic Neisseria spp. Is Involved in Defense against Hydrogen Peroxide and Survival within Cervical Epithelial Cells
☉ 11254757:Characterization of Two Non-Locus of Enterocyte Effacement-Encoded Type III-Translocated Effectors, NleC and NleD, in Attaching and Effacing
☉ 11254758:城市医院产权改革中的一些设想
☉ 11254759:Shiga Toxin 2 and Lipopolysaccharide Induce Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells To Release Chemokines and Factors That Stimulate Platelet
☉ 11254760:Arrestin 1 Participates in Platelet-Activating Factor Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis of Streptococcus pneumoniae
☉ 11254761:对医院推行人力资源会计的探讨
☉ 11254762:Direct Inhibition of T-Lymphocyte Activation by Anthrax Toxins In Vivo
☉ 11254763:零库存:医院药库管理的新模式
☉ 11254764:Reduction of Astrogliosis by Early Treatment of Pneumococcal Meningitis Measured by Simultaneous Imaging, In Vivo, of the Pathogen and Host
☉ 11254765:加强医院文化建设的几点思考
☉ 11254766:上海市医学领军科技人才培养的实践与展望
☉ 11254767:如何加强医院财务管理
☉ 11254768:Helicobacter pylori Activates Myosin Light-Chain Kinase To Disrupt Claudin-4 and Claudin-5 and Increase Epithelial Permeability
☉ 11254769:浅议街头采血车医生护士在无偿献血活动中的地位与素质
☉ 11254770:运用迈克尔·波特的竞争战略讨论现代医院管理
☉ 11254771:以科学发展观指导医院建设的几点思考
☉ 11254772:实施人才强院战略,确保医院可持续发展
☉ 11254773:对上海郊区某二级医院门诊流程再造的初步探讨
☉ 11254774:以验收为契机 提高保健质量
☉ 11254775:三级待命机制在院前急救中的应用初探
☉ 11254776:Haemophilus ducreyi Targets Src Family Protein Tyrosine Kinases To Inhibit Phagocytic Signaling
☉ 11254777:经济人假说理论对构建和谐医患关系的指导
☉ 11254778:护理安全管理重在隐患分析及安全防范
☉ 11254779:无形资产开发费用的会计处理不足和解决方法
☉ 11254780:浅谈中小型医院信息化建设中的问题与对策
☉ 11254781:浅谈成本核算在医院管理中的作用
☉ 11254782:医院会计与成本核算一体化软件的实施过程
☉ 11254783:Ectophosphorylation of CD36 Regulates Cytoadherence of Plasmodium falciparum to Microvascular Endothelium under Flow Conditions
☉ 11254784:A Leucine-Rich Motif Targets Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoS within Mammalian Cells
☉ 11254785:创新是军队医院生存与发展之本
☉ 11254786:Giardia lamblia-Induced Changes in Gene Expression in Differentiated Caco-2 Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells
☉ 11254787:针对医院常见内控缺陷的制度设计
☉ 11254788:对当前医院设备和器械采购问题的分析和建议
☉ 11254789:Decreased In Situ Expression of Interleukin-10 Receptor Is Correlated with the Exacerbated Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Responses Observed in
☉ 11254790:Neutralization of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Suppresses Antigen-Specific Type 1 Cytokine Responses and Reverses the Inhibition of Mycobacte
☉ 11254791:Carbohydrate Moieties of Microsporidian Polar Tube Proteins Are Targeted by Immunoglobulin G in Immunocompetent Individuals
☉ 11254792:加强行风建设 促进医院发展
☉ 11254793:Structure, Cellular Distribution, Antigenicity, and Biological Functions of Fonsecaea pedrosoi Ceramide Monohexosides
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☉ 11254795:临床医学博士后管理方法及内涵的探讨
☉ 11254796:Neonatal and Maternal Immunological Responses to Conserved Epitopes within the DBL-3 Chondroitin Sulfate A-Binding Domain of Plasmodium falc
☉ 11254797:浅谈医院的特色发展
☉ 11254798:浅谈护生的人文素质教育
☉ 11254799:Chronic Leishmania donovani Infection Promotes Bystander CD8+-T-Cell Expansion and Heterologous Immunity
☉ 11254800:人文医学与感动护理

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