☉ 11293951:摸清现状 拓宽思路 加强军队医院教学管理工作
☉ 11293952:关于提高军队医学院校教师素质的几点思考
☉ 11293953:解放人才 为医院发展注入新活力
☉ 11293954:Enhanced bronchial expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and receptors (Flk-1 and Flt-1) in patients with chronic obstructive pul
☉ 11293955:试论科学发展观与医院发展
☉ 11293956:Bronchoalveolar lymphocytosis correlates with human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) proviral DNA load in HTLV-I carriers
☉ 11293957:医改形势下医院管理人力资源职业化发展趋势
☉ 11293958:Enhanced levels of hyaluronan in lungs of patients with COPD: relationship with lung function and local inflammation
☉ 11293959:创建惠民医院思想政治工作的新问题及其对策
☉ 11293960:Phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition decreases MUC5AC expression induced by epidermal growth factor in human airway epithelial cells
☉ 11293961:乡镇医院健康教育模式初探
☉ 11293962:Correlation of forced oscillation technique in preschool children with cystic fibrosis with pulmonary inflammation
☉ 11293963:Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor bioactivity in patients with acute lung injury
☉ 11293964:无私的服务社会就是硬道理 ——浅谈民营医院的立足根本
☉ 11293965:Tuberculin response in BCG vaccinated schoolchildren and the estimation of annual risk of infection in Hong Kong
☉ 11293966:论医院人本管理模式的构建
☉ 11293967:Tuberculosis in contacts need not indicate disease transmission
☉ 11293968:新时期加强医院成本核算的几点思考
☉ 11293969:Rates of drug resistance and risk factor analysis in civilian and prison patients with tuberculosis in Samara Region, Russia
☉ 11293970:Chronic Burkholderia multivorans bronchial infection in a non-cystic fibrosis individual with mannose binding lectin deficiency
☉ 11293971:坚持以人为本的科学发展观 努力构建和谐医患关系
☉ 11293972:The need for standardisation of peak flow charts
☉ 11293973:Management of CAP using a validated risk score
☉ 11293974:Vitamin E supplements in asthma
☉ 11293975:VEGF levels in pulmonary fibrosis
☉ 11293976:Early aberrant gene expression in primary non-small cell carcinomas: a future diagnostic tool?
☉ 11293977:Plasma cell mucositis of the distal airways
☉ 11293978:浅析医患矛盾产生的原因及思考
☉ 11293979:Streamlining weaning: protocols and weaning units
☉ 11293980:Airwaves
☉ 11293981:Some asthma genotypes may not respond to ?2 agonists
☉ 11293982:合同制医护人员的合法权益应得到尊重和维护
☉ 11293983:Consultations for asthma: will greater patient involvement deliver better health?
☉ 11293984:论医德医风建设与构建和谐医患关系
☉ 11293985:Muscling into cystic fibrosis airways
☉ 11293986:Brave new world for interventional bronchoscopy
☉ 11293987:The exhaled biomarker puzzle: bacteria play their card in the exhaled nitric oxide–exhaled breath condensate nitrite game
☉ 11293988:看病贵的成因及对策
☉ 11293989:Breathing new life into respiratory medicine? Report of the 2004 BTS Winter Meeting
☉ 11293990:医疗费用上涨的原因及对策
☉ 11293991:濮阳市乡镇卫生院现状及分析
☉ 11293992:Involvement in treatment decisions: what do adults with asthma want and what do they get? Results of a cross sectional survey
☉ 11293993:Bronchial beetle
☉ 11293994:医院医疗废物现状调查及控制策略
☉ 11293995:The CD14 C-159T polymorphism is not associated with asthma or asthma severity in an Australian adult population
☉ 11293996:Asthma in children with sickle cell disease and its association with acute chest syndrome
☉ 11293997:Origin of nitrite and nitrate in nasal and exhaled breath condensate and relation to nitric oxide formation
☉ 11293998:湖北省省管单位餐饮业从业人员健康体检状况及管理对策
☉ 11293999:Exhaled nitric oxide predicts asthma relapse in children with clinical asthma remission
☉ 11294000:Outcomes, cost and long term survival of patients referred to a regional weaning centre

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