☉ 11332001:Induction of striatal long-term synaptic depression by moderate frequency activation of cortical afferents in rat
☉ 11332002:Pancreatic two P domain K+ channels TALK-1 and TALK-2 are activated by nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species
☉ 11332003:电白县一起腮腺炎爆发的流行病学调查
☉ 11332004:Specific pattern of ionic channel gene expression associated with pacemaker activity in the mouse heart
☉ 11332005:The lipid-activated two-pore domain K+ channel TREK-1 is resistant to hypoxia: implication for ischaemic neuroprotection
☉ 11332006:The effects of hypoxia on the modulation of human TREK-1 potassium channels
☉ 11332007:The kainate receptor subunit GluR6 mediates metabotropic regulation of the slow and medium AHP currents in mouse hippocampal neurones
☉ 11332008:Persistent gamma oscillations in superficial layers of rat auditory neocortex: experiment and model
☉ 11332009:OptiMAL疟疾快速诊断试纸条的现场应用评价
☉ 11332010:Oscillatory activity within rat substantia gelatinosa in vitro: a role for chemical and electrical neurotransmission
☉ 11332011:Somato-dendritic nicotinic receptor responses recorded in vitro from the medial septal diagonal band complex of the rodent
☉ 11332012:2004~2005年慈溪市登革热蚊媒监测分析
☉ 11332013:4例预防接种偶合病毒性脑炎的鉴定分析
☉ 11332014:Layer-specific pyramidal cell oscillations evoked by tetanic stimulation in the rat hippocampal area CA1 in vitro and in vivo
☉ 11332015:肇庆市艾滋病流行现状及防控策略探讨
☉ 11332016:Background synaptic activity in rat entorhinal cortical neurones: differential control of transmitter release by presynaptic receptors
☉ 11332017:The ‘window’ T-type calcium current in brain dynamics of different behavioural states
☉ 11332018:增强型复合树脂的临床应用
☉ 11332019:Molecular diversity of neocortical GABAergic interneurones
☉ 11332020:Excitatory and inhibitory connections show selectivity in the neocortex
☉ 11332021:娱乐场所从业人员同伴教育对艾滋病的预防效果调查
☉ 11332022:Cholinergic modulation of hippocampal cells and circuits
☉ 11332023:医院门诊心理咨询与治疗分析
☉ 11332024:一起亚硝酸盐食物中毒的思考
☉ 11332025:我国疾病控制体系人力资源管理现状与优化发展的思考
☉ 11332026:外来劳务工运动行为现状调查
☉ 11332027:Stratum oriens horizontal interneurone diversity and hippocampal network dynamics
☉ 11332028:Structure/function correlates of neuronal and network activity–an overview
☉ 11332029:肾脏病专家智能系统测定肾小球滤过率的应用研究
☉ 11332030:深圳市青少年心理叛逆的相关因素探讨
☉ 11332031:深圳市青少年健康相关行为的调查
☉ 11332032:深圳市龙岗区中小学生伤害流行特征及影响因素分析
☉ 11332033:深圳市集中式空调通风系统病原污染调查
☉ 11332034:深圳市大中学生结核病知识知晓率调查
☉ 11332035:深圳男同性恋性病和艾滋病感染状况调查
☉ 11332036:砂土管保藏菌种复活试验的研究
☉ 11332037:三亚市私立学校小学生肠道寄生虫感染情况调查
☉ 11332038:群体性雪卡毒素鱼中毒的临床研究
☉ 11332039:濮阳市城区71所学校食堂卫生状况分析
☉ 11332040:南海区制鞋及印刷业有机溶剂检测结果分析
☉ 11332041:吉林地区无偿献血工作现状分析
☉ 11332042:泌尿生殖道支原体检测及耐药性分析
☉ 11332043:海南省新生儿出生缺陷监测分析
☉ 11332044:海口市中学生吸烟调查与健康教育干预对策探讨
☉ 11332045:海南省3市县5岁以下儿童缺营养性贫血现状调查
☉ 11332046:骨科手术切口感染病原分布及其耐药性
☉ 11332047:海口市企业作业场所有毒有害物质检测结果分析
☉ 11332048:当前在校大学生存在的膳食营养问题及对策分析
☉ 11332049:Costs and Cost Effectiveness of a Health Care Provider–Directed Intervention to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Veterans
☉ 11332050:高校食堂食品卫生监督管理工作探索

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